Help!!! Agressive Roo...big Daddy...DREW BLOOD PIC. ON 3RD PAGE

Ya...fortunately the chickens are in the back so no humans see my crazy actions or they would probably call the white coats! I, too, tried all the other things to get this roo to act a bit more civilly to no avail. Sad thing is I RAISED him from a day old (hatchery mystery chick that turned out to be just what I needed).

Maybe he was babied too much but when he matured he turned into the rooster from hell. Finally one day I just went beserk and started screaming, flapping my arms, and running after him (really, at the time I wanted to kill him). He couldn't run away fast enough ... now if he sometimes starts his little "dance" I just eye him up, let loose with a little shriek...and he heads for the hills. I did think about cutting his spurs at one time, may still do that just in case.

Can you get a friend to help make videos, please, please, please!
Ok update on BIG DADDY....He has found a home!!!! I listed him on CL as being agressive and so on, and how he has been acting, I listed it ALL...a man called me, he can handle agressive and he wanted him!!!! I asked what he was gonna do with him and he said put him out with 8 hens and let him live his life having a blast....

Sure enough the man came out and I was wary....but he came, got into the run with big daddy for quite a bit and big daddy didnt come near him to attack or be mean at all...infact he even walked around the man, so the man took him. to give big daddy a home with a flock.

So....I sure do miss my beautiful roo...but...he didnt like me...and ONLY ME....
cause they are MEN, thats why!!! lol....But I am glad I didnt have to put him down and that he got another flock to be a honey
I had the same problem with with my white orpington roo. Casper. I hand raised him from day one He hated me I couldnt walk past his run without him trying to attack me. He would fly up at the fencing trying to get me. DH could walk right in without a problem. I tried the rake,broom anything to keep between him and me. In athe meantime I collected eggs from him. When he broke my finger biting me I had had it he went to the auction. I hatched his sons and both the roosters are as sweet as can be. CJ jr and Cyrus are over a year now and have never tried to attack at all. I put up with him because he was a beautiful rooster and protected his girls but I am so glad I finally got rid of him and I do not feel guilty he went tot he auction.
Glad your boy found a new home. You don't need a roo like that.

I finally have a roo that respects me. I'll go into the coop and dusk and will take my roo off the roost. I'll hold him upside down by his feet until he quits struggling. Then, I'll walk around a bit while I hold him upside down and gently swing him back and forth. This really disorients him, which is good. When he's nice and calm, I'll lay him down on the ground on his back and let him go. He lays there for a minute then gets up and staggers off. I also won't let him eat when i'm around. When I feed the hens scratch or fill their feed pan, I'll chase him away until I'm ready to leave. He is very respectful of me and doesn't try to challenge me at all.

I tried to "win over" my other roos by holding them or teaching them to eat out of my hand. But, they all turned on me and became vicious. This roo is the first one that respects me and I think it's because I'm not nice to him.
Hi there! I took my Roos to my vet to have their Spurs ground down.....before they were even spurs.(I hand raised them form day olds) It was a must because I have kids. They slooooowly grow back. But over a few years. My roos respected me, but my Black Roo "Stormy" every so often challenged me. He started with the flogging.....then I would grab him, no matter how flippen long it took and layed him on the ground his face and beak touched the ground. And I growled at him and made nasty chicken noises at him scolding him. All the hens and Roos came by to check him out. All I have to say is "I AM ALPHA MALE!!!!!" Aka. Chicken Wrangler. A friend of mine did this and it worked great for her until, she was not consistent anymore with putting her Roo on the ground for about 1 -2 minutes of submission, so he would challenge her and she would just run inside.....he won the role of Alpha male!
I think Bizzybirdy we BYC'ers should flood U tube with videos of crazy chicken people!!! Doing our everyday chicken routines!

Hee Hee Hee

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