Help! Anxious Cayuga ducks!


May 28, 2019
British Columbia, Canada
Hi there!

I am a first time duck owner, and I have two, 2 month old cayuga ducks. I got them from a fairly shady breeder when they were a day old (chicks not handled and kept in small brooder boxes with dozens of other ducklings, very crowded). These two have always been quite skittish. Now that they're older and living out in their enclosure they have gotten even more skittish. They're so loving when they're being held but they are so afraid of me being around them in their enclosure. Now because I'm inexperienced I've ended up scaring them a couple times due to them getting away from me in the yard and me having to chase them more than a couple of times. Because they do not come or to their house I've had to chase them around their enclosure to pick them up to put them away for the evening. I've stopped doing this and have tried luring them to their house with frozen peas and other favourite snacks but its hit or miss.

I feel awful, I love these two very much, they're my babies. I bought these two as pets but they're so anxious around me that it makes me upset and frustrated. I feed them every time I come into the enclosure to visit or let them in and out of their house. But it's been one step forward two steps back kind of a situation. I'm not sure what I need to be doing to help fix this with them. I often bring them into the house to come sit with me on the couch for a snuggle but they've been getting progressively anxious that its making it harder to handle them while on the couch.

Is there any hope for these two becoming comfortable around people?
Please feel free to ask for more information on the situation.

Thank you so much
You'll win them over eventually! Remember it's only been two months - hardly any time at all, considering how long ducks can live - and they are still in their fear period. As they grow older, and they get used to their routine with you, they'll settle.

Have you tried soaked wheat berries as a treat? I've found it's The Ultimate Treat and helps with taming a lot - tasty snacks help them get over the fear. Mealworms also work!
Hello..First off stop chasing them and don't pick them up anymore. Walk slowly behind them and use your arms to steer them the direction you want them to go. A long stick as an extension of your arm works too. Use a key phrase like Bedtime to get them to where you want them to go.
I never handle my Ducks. Mine free range daily in the backyard and I say bedtime and off they go to bed.
Sitting quietly will definitely help as you toss treats and talk to them..Best wishes.

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