HELP baby duckling legs HELP!!!

not that i would think.... my tub is high so i personally pick them up and put them in/out of the tub every time then i towel them off a bit and put them back to their brooder as soon as she got back she was first in she plopped and now she is peeping away but cant stand and barely move .... she is cuddling with everyone but im at a loss she was doing soo good and heer breathing is labored and weird but she is still active otherwise ????
Maybe she/he just over did it with the swim. Being active and swimming is good but have caused her to be sore. Keep up with the treatment and maybe limit swim time 5-10 min till she/he works up her strength. Think of swimming like physical therapy for people its good but sometimes after causes soreness etc.
How is it going today?
I have been giving once a day niacin in their water, she is doing a bit better swimming good and finally
Eating on her own and crawling over to the water she is finally cleaning herself but she will not stand on her legs and I'm concerned that she is getting heavier and not able to support it now. She stands her hocks but that's it.... I was curious if making her a cast for her legs would work to help her build strength while she isn't in the water I just don't know what or how to make it out of???? Any suggestions
Okay, let's review.

Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks recommends 100 to 150 mg niacin per gallon of drinking water for several weeks. That's the recommended dosage. Plain niacin.

Time in water - supervised - will be helpful.

Some breeds grow so incredibly fast that they have more leg problems. So being able to float in water, taking weight off the leg - that is a good thing.

Some folks make little hammock chairs for their ducks and ducklings with leg injuries. You might consider that, too.
I have been doing 100 niacin per gallon, and I have been giving her supervised swim time but when she goes outside idk what to do to help her walk around ? Anywhere I can go to look up leg supports or cast to help her she wants to walk she seems to be getting better slowly I have been going at it with the niacin for 4 days now!!
It will take some time - but if you are seeing improvement already that's great! I feel that the high risk time is now - once she's about 80% of her mature size, her growth rate should slow down.

Make sure she's getting all the nutrients she needs. You may want to also add once a week poultry vitamins to her water in addition to the niacin.


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