HELP baby still in egg after 24 hours


Mar 18, 2020
I don’t know exactly when it started piping but it has been in the same stage for around 24 hours. It is tweeting super loud and I feel really bad. There is a bit of blood around the pip. The others have started hatching but this one has not moved or even started cracking any more eggs!
If there is blood in the pip it is not ready. I've helped before because they acted in distress and they hadn't even absorbed all of their yolk sack. Up your humidity will help it to hatch out when its not bleeding anymore, or assist after you let some more time go by. I'd wait another 4 hours and see if the bleeding has stopped, it might have pipped through a blood vessel and then there's nothing you can do anyway.
It looks malpositioned too, it pipped the wrong end. I would open up the air cell a bit and see if there are any active veins. Apply coconut oil to the membrane when you're done. It probably will need assistance.
I did everything but it died, we got another one in the same situation and I think it might pull through

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