HELP Best way to kill a sick baby chick?

There is a method of putting the chick in a container that will seal up. A gallon size ziplok bag will work. Measure out baking soda and pour this into a seperate container, zip lok bag works here also. Put a cup of vinegar into a measuring cup and set the measuring cup in the bag with the baking soda. Now connect the two containers with a length of hose or tubing. once this is done, tip the measuring cup of vinegar over into the baking soda. It is fairly fast. There is a complete link with photo's here on BYC, just do a search. Good luck! It's never easy to do, no matter what method you choose.

You are describing a GAS CHAMBER -- how disgusting. No way that can be 'quick'. Snip the head off as described, or pull the neck. Both of those methods are instant.
You are describing a GAS CHAMBER -- how disgusting. No way that can be 'quick'. Snip the head off as described, or pull the neck. Both of those methods are instant.

I don't think its useful to reference human history when deciding what techniques are valid for animal husbandry. The acid test must surely be if the welfare of the animal is protected by whatever process is used.
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There is a method of putting the chick in a container that will seal up. A gallon size ziplok bag will work. Measure out baking soda and pour this into a seperate container, zip lok bag works here also. Put a cup of vinegar into a measuring cup and set the measuring cup in the bag with the baking soda. Now connect the two containers with a length of hose or tubing. once this is done, tip the measuring cup of vinegar over into the baking soda. It is fairly fast. There is a complete link with photo's here on BYC, just do a search. Good luck! It's never easy to do, no matter what method you choose.
Hard to think about, but it's good information to have.
Going thru same situation...4-5 week chick has one spradle leg. I've tried everything to fix it, banded, with rubber band and piece of straw several times, put in drinking glass to make it use the muscle correctly, made sure surface was not slippery...within minutes it's turned around backwards again.
Any suggestions before I do the deed?
So sorry you are going through this, if necessary, I would make sure it is quick and painless. Sometimes that's the kindest thing we can do for our beloved animals. Hope you can know you have done the best you could under the circumstances.
Thank you, guess I'll do like Sunny Side Up and bag method. I think I was traumatized as a child with my dad chopping off the heads and throwing them in a trailer til they stopped moving... :(
Thanks again
Actually as long as the Carbon monoxide is strong enough there is no pain. It is simply sleepy, coma and death. This is why people die from faulty gas appliances, like heaters. It starts putting out carbon monoxide, most people will feel weak, possibly dizzy and pass out and if no fresh air is found die in sleep.
Now if it is not strong enough that is when complications occur.

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