Help! Bloody foot


Aug 31, 2019
San Luis Obispo, CA
Help! 3x over the last 8 months I've found blood in my coop/run (2x in the last 2 weeks). The first 2x, none of my birds showed any signs of injury, but today one had a bloody foot. We were careful to avoid sharp edges in construction, so not sure how the injury happened. It does look like it could have been a peck, but this is our first flock and I'm not sure how easy it is to draw blood there (it's where the outside toe mets the foot). We have her in the coop, and the other 4 in the run for now, bc they were following her and pecking at the blood. 2 questions: How do we treat the injury and let her recover? If it's pecking, how can we prevent this in the future?

If it helps, we have a 4x6 coop and a 6x10 run, flock of 5 hens (RIR, brown leghorn, black sexlink, golden sexlink, and silver laced wyandotte- she's the injured one).
Could you post a pic? I would spray with Vetrycin spray and then wrap her foot with a cotton ball, and secure with vet wrap. If you don’t have Vetrycin on hand you should order it on amazon. It’s the first thing I usually use on chicken injures. Otherwise, you can use Neosporin and wrap it with that.


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Could you post a pic? I would spray with Vetrycin spray and then wrap her foot with a cotton ball, and secure with vet wrap. If you don’t have Vetrycin on hand you should order it on amazon. It’s the first thing I usually use on chicken injures. Otherwise, you can use Neosporin and wrap it with that.
Vetrycin is great also! I always have this on hand for all the animals!
Me too. I was freaking out. There was SO MUCH blood! Bleeding has stopped, it's starting to scab, and looks clean, no swelling so far. We're keeping it bandaged for the next day or two so hopefully it doesn't get pecked open again.

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