Help! Botulism/dehydration in my goose


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2019
I am here hoping some experienced goose parents can give some more insight or advice. I’m pretty sure I have a handle on the situation but all the knowledge I can get is critical. My goose Lester was showing signs of severe dehydration (live in south Florida, it’s hot). He could not hold his own weight, stumbling, drooling, vomiting all the water he tried to lap up, pupils dialing and he was shaking. I immediately got him to a vet. We subcutaneously administered fluids, started him on meloxicam, Baytril, and an antifungal (for chance of Aspergillus). I am on day 3 of giving this critical care, he has improved a lot and he was given toxiban yesterday in the event of botulism.

Long story long, his legs are VERY white and scary looking. Not normal at all. Is this still a symptom of the dehydration? The “nail” of his beak also looks pale. I’m still subcutaneously giving fluids 2x a day..I’m just curious if this could be a sign of something else or is he is simply recovering

thank you for ANY and all help. I’m very worried


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Have you also posted on the geese forum here?
I do not have experience with geese, so I don’t know if that could be dry skin, leg mites, or something else. Castor oil might be something to apply to the legs since it is less greasy, and it lasts longer than some of the other ointments and creams. That might help mites or dry skin.
Oh wow thank you! I am brand new to this site, I didn’t know that section existed. I could apply oil topically but I wanted to make sure he’s actually hydrated, so if it’s a sign of dehydration I’ll leave it alone so when it goes away naturally, I can tell he’s healthy? Idk, hopefully someone can advise me on that. Thank you!

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