HELP! Chick cant lift head!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 27, 2014
Our 4 week old chick all of a sudden cant lift her head! Whats wrong? The other two of her breed seem lethargic also but the other 3 (different breed) seem fine. Help, i dont know whats wrong or what to do....
That does look like wry neck, crook neck, or encephalomalacia. It is a neurological symptom which can be a result of heredity, head injury, disease affecting the nervous system, or vitamin deficiency. Treatment is vitamins especially thiamine or vitamin B1, vitamin E, and selenium, a mineral. I know that you are treating for coccidiosis from your other thread, and normally vitamins aren't given to chicks on Corid, but in this case, I would give this one chick PolyVisol without iron infant vitamins 2-3 drops by mouth daily for treatment in addition to the Corid. If you can find selenium, you can give 40 mcg daily. In severe cases, prednisone may be used (requires a prescription.) Here are 2 links to read:

Her head is still down but she looks tons better! She's even trying to eat on her own!

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