Help Chicken vomiting


Oct 10, 2019
My son went out to check in the girls tonight and saw one was in the egg hutch. This was odd so he moved her into the coop area and she vomited on him. He said it looked Luke human vomit. My wife said she’s been in the hutch every evening for the last 3 nights. I’m certain earlier this afternoon they were all in the run. We are new chicken owners and the girls are about a year old. She’s a bared rock if that helps. Please help my son is so upset and think it’s somehow his fault.
Hi, I'm sorry about your hen. There are lots of experienced people here who will be along to help. In the meantime, post some more details and pictures if you can. Here are some things you might want to include:
  1. What kind of feed does your flock eat?
  2. What are their living conditions? Do they free range at all?
  3. Any other symptoms?
  4. Where are you located? What is the weather like?
I also have a question that others might have too. By "egg hutch" do you mean nest box/ where the chickens lay their eggs? Is your hen laying? Chickens can get on a cycle where they lay later in the day - my girls have. It is usually best not to disturb them when they are in there.

If she otherwise seems normal, I wonder if her crop got squeezed when he picked her up, causing her to regurgitate? Maybe someone will chime in on this.

I'm sure your son didn't do anything wrong. Lots of things can happen with chickens that are difficult to foresee/prevent.
Thanks for your response. The girls eat pellet layer feed. We do give them vegetables from time to time. The are enclosed in a large run as we live on the edge of town and cannot free range. You are correct I should say nesting box. We’re in Illinois and it’s been HOT.
It sounds like your hen may have a crop yeast infection. You will need to take up all food and water at bedtime and then check her crop for fullness in the morning before she has a chance to eat or drink.

Yeast infections are usually triggered by something. Sometimes it's a blockage farther down the digestive tract and sometimes it's cancer. Due to the youth of your hen, it's not likely cancer.

I suggest you set up an infirmary crate in your garage or house to make it easier to monitor and treat this hen. You will also need to observe her poop to know the extent of this crop issue.

Place a thick towel, an old one you don't care about, in the crate. This is going to be helpful to be able to see her poop and if she's losing fluids, which indicates a blockage in the gizzard as well as the crop.

Make sure she has plenty of fresh water to drink after you check her crop in the morning as she will be thirsty. She can have some crumbles as well.

Read this. It will explain crop disorders. In the morning, I will be back here to find out how her crop is and we'll discuss treatment.
We’ve had her separated all day. She’s eating and drinking. She’s dedicated several times and it seems normal. She hasn’t vomited either. Is it possible she’s being bullied and is hiding in the nesting boxes.
Bullying is something you need to watch the chickens interacting to see if any are being singled out for bullying. A bully victim often will hole up in the coop and not come out. It's possible for such a victim to starve to death. Bullying is a serious issue.

Continue to monitor her crop to be sure it's not an issue. Then release her into the flock and watch. Here's how I address bullying issues.

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