Help!!! Chickens attacked chick.


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2015
I put my chicks with my older chickens down in the coop now that they've gotten feathers. The chicks are doing well for the most part except for this little girl. She really got beat up. I moved her into a large cage for herself and have been monitoring her, and put some neosporin on the bloody areas. What can I do to help her? Any advice would be appreciated. She has all feathers pulled out on her back, cuts, and her head is bloody.
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You will probably have to keep her separate til she is healed. I would try to put one other chick in with her for caompany -- if you can do so without her getting attacked.

It's not unusual at all for older chickens to attack young ones. The older ones may strt attacking others now that this one is out of reach. Best to houe thm all next to or close to each other, but with a fence between for a week or two or more, first. Sometimes they integrate very well and sometimes it is a disaster -- and everything in between. No two flocks are alike.

Good luck!
I have
You will probably have to keep her separate til she is healed.  I would try to put one other chick in with her for caompany -- if you can do so without her getting attacked.

It's not unusual at all for older chickens to attack young ones.  The older ones may strt attacking others now that this one is out of reach.  Best to houe thm all next to or close to each other, but with a fence between for a week or two or more, first.  Sometimes they integrate very well and sometimes it is a disaster -- and everything in between.   No two flocks are alike.

Good luck!
I have her seperated, and she's very sweet. She's been doing okay but she has sad eyes, if that makes sense. I tried to let her with her friends, and she gets very excited but they tried to peck around her head so I have to take her away and she gets sad again. :( What can I do to help? The other chicks have been with the chickens for about 3-3 1/2 weeks and no incidents so far. If it gets worse I will seperate them! Is there anything I can do to help her cuts?
Sure, just first aid, much as you would do for yourself, only don't try to dress them. I use plain warm water then Neosporin Ointment. The only caveat is, don's us any topical that contains a "caine" drug, such as cetacaine, benzocaine, etc.

A lot of people like BluKote, which is mostly gentian violet, which is an antiseptic. The color discourages others from pecking wounds or scabs by hiding the blood or redness, it is assumed. I have used it successfully on a very minor but red wound, and even left the chicken in with the flock -- this was something that was nearly healed by the next day. It does stain, though.
Sure, just first aid, much as you would do for yourself, only don't try to dress them. I use plain warm water then Neosporin Ointment. The only caveat is, don's us any topical that contains a "caine" drug, such as cetacaine, benzocaine, etc.

A lot of people like BluKote, which is mostly gentian violet, which is an antiseptic. The color discourages others from pecking wounds or scabs by hiding the blood or redness, it is assumed. I have used it successfully on a very minor but red wound, and even left the chicken in with the flock -- this was something that was nearly healed by the next day. It does stain, though.

X 2 on all of this. Unfortunately, once a wound is created/exposed it just becomes a giant, flashing target that attracts the attention (and beaks) of everyone in the flock. The good news is, these guys are incredibly resilient and when injuries are kept clean and infection free they heal amazingly quickly.
Sure, just first aid, much as you would do for yourself, only don't try to dress them.  I use plain warm water then Neosporin Ointment.  The only caveat is, don's us any topical that contains a "caine" drug, such as cetacaine, benzocaine, etc. 

A lot of people like BluKote, which is mostly gentian violet, which is an antiseptic.  The color discourages others from pecking wounds or scabs by hiding the blood or redness, it is assumed.  I have used it successfully on a very minor but red wound, and even left the chicken in with the flock -- this was something that was nearly healed by the next day.  It does stain, though.
Thank you! Where could I get this? Sounds like what she needs so she can play with her "friends" :) She does have a very deep wound where it looks like flesh was literally peeled off by her bum. Is there something extra I can do for this one to help? The other wants aren't as deep
X 2 on all of this.  Unfortunately, once a wound is created/exposed it just becomes a giant, flashing target that attracts the attention (and beaks) of everyone in the flock.  The good news is, these guys are incredibly resilient and when injuries are kept clean and infection free they heal amazingly quickly. 
Thank you! They have already began to look better. I went to Tractor Supply and they had a spray just for chicken cuts or whatever haha! And I spray it on all her wounds and she really doesn't like it (probably burns) but it seems to be helping. Anything else I can do to help?

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