HELP - coccidiosis in 1mo old poult? (listless, not eating)


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2022
(Edited to be less chatty, was flustered with the first draft)

My 1 mo old turkey(out of 5 total) has been very listless, not eating. So far it's looking like coccidiosis to me but I'm still learning.

Yesterday put him in an "isolation tank" after noticing him sleeping on his feet, then gasping for air(neck stretched, longue out). The other turkeys were quick to start attacking him, so in iso he went

He has food, water, bedding and a heat lamp. I haven't seen the stretching/gasping breathing pattern since he calmed down after the attack and relocation.

He has no discharge or wheezing. He goes from listless walking around slowly and deliberately, to sleeping a lot, or lying down normally but alert with head up and eyes open. He's tending to keep his head close to body, a little fluffed up.

He's drinking water but showing no interest in food, even when held out to him.

I felt his crop, comparing it to one of the other turkeys, squishier rather than feeling feed. I don't smell anything off.

Did a throat swab with a Qtip and nothing came up(gapeworm was the first concern)

Poops had less and less solids to the point of just liquid. This afternoon he passed a more substantial stool(see pic) he's eaten a bit?

Having read through the forum a bit we're hoping to get fecal samples out to a local vet to test it even though none agreed to examine him when we first made calls.

Is there anything that can be done to give this guy energy and a chance while we figure things out?

Thank you for your time, will continue the search
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I'm sorry he's not well.
Photos of the poult himself may be helpful as well - so we can see condition/stance.

If you feel that he's suffering from Coccidiosis, then treating with Corid while you wait for testing shouldn't hurt anything. Dose is 2tsp liquid Cord or 1 1/2tsp Powdered Corid in 1 gallon of drinking water. Give for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water, no extra vitamins/electrolytes or supplements added to food or water.

Hopefully your photos will be showing when those that know a lot about Turkeys come online and they will be able to offer better suggestions.
@casportpony @R2elk @Huntmaster
Hopefully your photos will be showing when those that know a lot about Turkeys come online and they will be able to offer better suggestions.
@casportpony @R2elk @Huntmaster

Please see attached, standing or sitting he has moments of alertness and then sleep.

We've been told that if it was coccidiosis there would have blood in the poop. Right now he's got a mix of mostly runny with a bit of solids. We had a very hot day before seeing the behaviour, could it be heat stress?


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It's possible heat stress could be the problem. Did any of the others the same age show similar symptoms?

My limited understanding of Coccidiosis in Turkeys, is there are 7 strains of Coccidia. 4 of those strains cause clinical symptoms. I don't see any mention of bloody stool as the only symptom in Turkeys. Actually I'm not finding which strain(s) even cause blood in the stool in Turkeys.

I know chickens much better and there's 9 strains (not the same ones as turkeys) that affect Chickens. Of those 9 only 2 present with blood in the stool.

So the bottom line is...not every strain of Coccidia in poultry/fowl will present as blood in the stool. Seeing mucous seems to be much more common along with other symptoms like going off feed, fluffed up appearance, lethargy, not eating/drinking, etc.

Getting a fecal float for confirmation of Coccidia is always best.

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