Help Convincing Parents!

I must say, you did a GREAT job! I would say yes if you were my kid. Only a couple of suggestions though, As far as getting hatching eggs go, I would say find some one near you so you can pick them up. I tried 6 different batches of shipped eggs and didn't get but one chick. And he died four days later. If you look on ebay and search hatching eggs, you can sort the search by distance and it will show you the closest people first. Or you could look around here for who ever is closest. I have my first batch of home grown eggs in the incubator right now and they are doing better than any of the shipped eggs did. Also, consider what the other person said about maybe picking another breed with more normal sized eggs, that being one of your arguments. I suggest Speckled Sussex or Turken (AKA Naked Neck) Here is why. The Speckled Sussex are SO pretty. I have one we call "Growly" because she talks a lot and it sounds like a little growl, but she's sweet. The Turken because well....they are so ugly they are adorable. My Turken girl, who is still currently nameless, has grown into a real pretty little girl. The skin on a turkens neck is SO soft. Just a thought though. I don't have very good pics of them but if youre interested in seeing what they look like I'd be happy to take some pics for you.
I'm working on a power point right now for that one!
So far I have, gerbil, horse, chicken, and cat. Half way through with goat.
Thinking about starting up on hermit crab (not really...) I'm happy with horses and chickens (and maybe a goat?)...
to ALL the new eggs on this post! It's nice to know the next generation is following along!

Your debate is well done, broodymamachick! I, too, think you might lighten up on the sarcasm. Even if your folks are used to it -- ESPECIALLY if they're used to it -- they'll be caught off guard if you let it go! Think of that as a great tactic!

and maybe you could consider getting a couple of started hens. You would eliminate the cost of an incubator and guarantee that you are getting hens, without the potential heartache of letting go of a rooster you might have gotten attached to.

go for it, little sister!
Although raising chickens doesn't even require all that much work besides maybe throwing in some fresh feed and refilling their water bowl, I understand the enormous strain you would feel to have to do these terrible chores.[

Also coming from a sarcastic family, I would lose with that remark. Otherwise, stellar.

Kudos to you - and to your parents for raising an intellegent and confident young lady. I would not only let you have chickens, I would hire you.

Let us know how it turns out!​
I agree with this.

Also, I would lighten the sarcasm a bit. IMO it will shut your parents down, and they won't be listening to your presentation. I'd also address locking them in their coop at night and letting them out in the morning. You need to be willing to take care of this, even if it interrupts you going to the movies.

I'd address the cost of feed as well. Your parents will be concerned about how much it will cost to feed them. Are you asking them to pay for it, or do you plan to use your own money? (allowance or otherwise) Or are you going to offer to trade chores to pay for the feed?

You might have better luck convincing them with day old chicks. This will alleviate their concern about roosters since they are already sexed, and thus give them one less reason to say no. I know you want to incubate, but if you started with a couple chicks and gave them time to get used to them (maybe even love them), then you could push for the incubator later and add a couple more.
(or get eggs to put under your silkie when she goes broody)

The eggs from silkies will be small. If you want to argue having eggs for your family, I'd suggest a large fowl breed. If you just want them for pets, then silkies would be fine. It all depends on what your after.

All in all, I think the work you've done to convince them says a lot about how important this is to you. If my child went through all this work to try to convince me, I'd be hard pressed to say no. (unless he's not feeding/taking care of his current pet) Good luck!
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You might want to try Buff Orpingtons.
I know everyone has their breed of preference. We just have a really sweet Buff Orpington hen. Some will grow up to be more standoffish and some will grow up to be sweet hearts no matter how you raise them. Our Buffy is definitely a sweet heart. And, today, I just sent 4 of her older chicks to the barn (they are out growing their brooders and we don't have the cage space for them yet). All the way there, they were calm and quiet. Then I came back for the standard frizzle and the Polish mix. You would have thought I was torturing them. By the time I got up there, the Orpington X chicks had already made friends with the EEs and Turken that were already there. (OT, but I hope my Polish X and Turken are the right genders to breed each other. I'd like to see a naked neck with a top hat.)

The trouble you will find with hatcheries and day old chicks is that they will want to sell larger groups (25 being smallest). My Pet Chicken is about the only one I've seen that will sell in small quantities.
Great job! And BOY, do you remind me of myself and my sister when we were younger! We used to make those presentations when we wanted something.
Good luck and let us know how it goes!!
Not sure if you were really interested but I went ahead and took some pics of my hens, just in case you decide to go in another direction when thinking of the egg argument.

Here is "Growly" the speckled Sussex


Here is my little Turken lady

Thanks to everyone for their brilliant advice! I must say, those pictures are abosolutely gorgeous!

Heres a the shortened version of how it went:

I made my parents some tea and told them I was going to present them something. I read through the presentation, and lucky enough, my parents actually managed to keep thier promise and kept quiet through the whole thing.

After I was done, something I feared happened. One was on board, and one was not! My mother argued that she was going to be the one to do all the dirty work.

So, over the next weeks, I took over most of the chores she normally did; I cooked, cleaned, and took special care of all the animals.

I guess she saw the light, because guess what I'm having under the Christmas tree!

They both agreed to get me the incubator and have agreed on having two hens.

To be honest, I couldn't be more thrilled!!

Christmas is going to be so amazing this season! Thanks again for all of the support and insight.

I'll be sure to keep you posted as soon as I start the hatch.

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