Help! CRD/Tylan 200 Orally


In the Brooder
May 11, 2019
Central Florida
I have some chicks/chickens (all LF) from 8 weeks to adults showing all signs of Chronic Respiratory Disease and I’m finding a lot of conflicting information out there. This is something I haven’t had to deal with in my 10 years keeping chickens. Thank you all so much!
  • How much Tylan 200 for chicks?
  • How long should I administer it?
  • Should I treat the birds who aren’t showing symptoms?
  • Should I start vaccinating for this?
Welcome to BYC. I prefer Tylan 50 for chickens, but you can use the 200 if you dilute it and give it orally with the needle removed. Tylan 50 is 50 mg per ml, while Tylan 200 is 200 mg per ml.

I would add 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) of Tylan 200 to 0.75 ml (3/4 ml) of water, which would equal 50 ml per ml. Give 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound of weight 3 times a day for 3 to 5 days. If it is a small baby chick, use 0.1 ml (1/10th ml.) Give these orally a drop at a time so to not choke them.

If you don’t dilute it and plan to give it by injection, give 0.06 ml per pound, which is hard to gauge even with a 1 ml syringe.

Only treat birds with symptoms. What symptoms are they having?
Welcome to BYC. I prefer Tylan 50 for chickens, but you can use the 200 if you dilute it and give it orally with the needle removed. Tylan 50 is 50 mg per ml, while Tylan 200 is 200 mg per ml.

I would add 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) of Tylan 200 to 0.75 ml (3/4 ml) of water, which would equal 50 ml per ml. Give 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound of weight 3 times a day for 3 to 5 days. If it is a small baby chick, use 0.1 ml (1/10th ml.) Give these orally a drop at a time so to not choke them.

If you don’t dilute it and plan to give it by injection, give 0.06 ml per pound, which is hard to gauge even with a 1 ml syringe.

Only treat birds with symptoms. What symptoms are they having?

Thanks so much for the response! They have swollen foamy eyes, many have a rattle when they breathe, crowing is hindered. Almost all of the birds showing symptoms seem to be eating/drinking and getting around fine.
I would go ahead and treat them. If you have a regular local vet, they can prescribe Tylan (tylosin) Soluble Powder to put in their water. Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 3-5 days. You might need it in the future in case symptoms recur. Some online stores sell it, but it still requires a vet prescription. MG (mycoplasma gallisepticum) is a chronic respiratory disease and can come back during a period of severe stress, such as during a hard molt or during the coldest winter weather.
Thanks again. There are vaccines for MG. Is this a vaccine that many chicken keepers give? I only learned about it while researching the symptoms I’ve seen over the last few days.
Yes, I think that may be something that some do if they are bringing in new birds to an MG positive flock. Large flocks probably have it more often. But I don’t think a lot of backyard chicken owners vaccinate often, especially since most vaccines come in boxes of 1000 doses that have to be used all at once. MG is very common in wild birds, and most flocks are always at a risk of getting MG. Once it is in the flock, they all should be considered carriers. One way to deal with it is to close your flock to any new birds, and not sell or give away birds or hatching eggs. Eggs for eating are fine, though.

There are vaccines available as an eyedrop to use at 9-10 weeks of age, but I have not seen those available online. The one from many online stores is $80 plus shipping, and is an injectable vaccine for 1-4 week old chicks.

After reading some of the articles below, I would think about ordering hatchery chicks who come already MG vaccinated, and keep them away from the rest of the flock for a couple of weeks to gain full immunity.

Here are some articles to read on different MG vaccines:

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