Help day 18 and air sacs are small...

I have this egg marked tonight when i get home we will candle it to see if it will move if it will ill sit it up but if it wont ill lev it be we will also try to load a picture so everyone can see thanks to all will keep yal updated
Also is there a way to load pictures off my phone still kinda new to this lol

The mobile app has a picture icon just above the reply box. Looks like a mountain. Sometimes when I try to insert from my phone, it will take me to my camera roll, but most times it won't insert the pic. But on the bottom of the page, there are "mobile" and "desktop" buttons. If you switch to desktop, the insert works. Its a little hard to maneuver some times, because the page is so big for a phone, so the buttons are small, but it should work. Then you can switch right back to mobile.
I think she means does the air cell move when you set the egg upright, or is it always on the side of the egg regardless of position.
Yes, I

I think we're all going be waiting to see what happens with this egg. I'm betting it hatches . I think that little chick is saying I can do this just a little bit more time and I'm outa here. At this late day into incubation I don't think the air sack will move . one thing I've learned this past 2 years is it was so much easier when the hen did it. 4 more days! you'll know. hatching is like taking a long car trip. at first your excited to get going then it gets dull then your almost there and its exciting again .then the hatch and your swimming in the ocean or skiing the slopes or hiking the trails. Its so much fun I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for tomorrow morning. I only set eggs on Saturday now so I'm not working when they hatch . We'll be waiting .good luck
That's what I'm wondering, with it being this far, if it's reattatched itself to the side because it was laying flat. Some don't ever reattatch, but if there's enough growth in the egg, even if it's still freestanding it might not be able to go anywhere.

Ok thanks ill see about adding picture later
So wat dose everyone think let it go and hope for the best or stop it
This late in the game you might as well let it ride out. It might surprise you. Besides, many eggs pip outside the air cell when malpositioned and make it out fine. If this guy, doesn't hit the air cell by some miracle, it would pretty much be the same as a malepositioned pipper. I would definitely trace the air cell before lock down though to see if he pips into it or not.

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