Help day 18 and air sacs are small...

that's great I'm so busy with work and farming I don't get on line untill late in the evening . you did very well for your first hatch and with a homemade incubator . my first hatch last year I hatched 6 out 41 shipped eggs in a incubator that cost $100.00 I should have joined the BYC before I hatched my first egg . I would not have bought the one I have or the other one like it. I'm working on plans to build a monster bator for next year. let us know how your next hatch goes because now your hooked and it only gets worse.
Hello. I am a first time hatcher also and ran into the same problem. I am so nervous, mostly because I feel the air sacks on 13 out of the 15 that are in lock down are too small. Today is day 20 and we have one egg that is wiggly and it is one of the ones with a smaller sack. I am hopeful. I love all the advise I see everyone posting, this is a great forum!
I read this last night but was to tired to post a reply you should be into day 21 today had any pips or zips its a wait and see game now. I hope your wiggler hatched and maybe more. read all the threads you can find they help . if this one doesn't go well try again the thread starter had the same problem. It went good for them . good luck
Hello. I am a first time hatcher also and ran into the same problem. I am so nervous, mostly because I feel the air sacks on 13 out of the 15 that are in lock down are too small. Today is day 20 and we have one egg that is wiggly and it is one of the ones with a smaller sack. I am hopeful. I love all the advise I see everyone posting, this is a great forum!

Have any pipped or made it out yet?
Yes I have 10 chicks in the brooder and 5 pipped eggs in the incubator still! I do have one chick who is very weak, can't walk or hold it's head up

Sorry about the weak one, but that's still alot of good! Are you giving the weak one some electrolytes or something? It should come around...

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