If your hearing peeping, and felt them moving, they have likely internally pipped, but if they were mine, I'd probably do a quick candle to see if they have, and if they have internally pipped, just make a small safety hole. I hatch a lot of Calls which require a lot of assisting during lockdown, therefore I have to open the incubator more than several times during lockdown to help them, so to answer your question, no you did not kill them, as long as you keep the humidity high, and temp high they'll be fine.

Do you know how to make a safety hole?

I would probably look up a few "internally pipped" photos, so you can see what it should look like before you candle.
I’m going to give them like 12 hours. I didn’t know if they were pipping it was a kinda stressful situation. Hopefully me moving the eggs motivates them to hatch.
Please respond ASAP. It’s day 30 of duck eggs. No hatches no pip. I just picked some of my eggs up and they were make noises and they’re heart was beating fast and I candeled them. I thought They died but I was very wrong. I thought about making a safety hole but I just put them back. Did I just shrink wrap them? Do I need to help them? Did I just kill them by scaring them? Please respond i’m freaking out.
I hatched out some duck eggs a couple months ago and the first batch that we did hatched a week later than we expected them to. My sister was going into the incubator to take all the eggs out and throw them out when she noticed cracks in three of the eggs. They took between 1-2 days to hatch and I had to help them out because they were having some trouble. In the end only two hatched but they unfortunately died a couple days after hatching.
We believe the humidity was off so we tried again with another incubator and had a 100% hatch rate. The second batch hatched earlier than expected and hatched pretty quickly. I would take a look at the humidity in your incubator as that could likely be the issue as it seemed to be for me. Good luck!

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