Help! Does anyone in CNY have a broody hen I can borrow/buy?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 13, 2012
My broody hen killed three chicks as they hatched and we had to take the remaining eggs from her. Of the remaining seven eggs, one has hatched, one was a dud, three have pipped and two have not, though they were alive yesterday. I wasn't prepared for this and am trying to hatch them in a box with a 60 watt bulb and damp towels/bowl of water. It's about 95 degree F in there right now. I'd really love to not have to raise these chicks by hand, as I wasn't planning it into my schedule. If anyone has a broody hen they think would adopt day-old chicks, and doesn't mind parting with her for at least a couple months, I would really appreciate the help. I've called around to sellers near Syracuse but their adult hens are either sold out or really expensive.
Here's a photo to soften hearts


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