Help!!! Doggie people...advice needed on hotspots please

Mrs. Feathers

13 Years
Apr 2, 2010
I told my daughter and son in law that I would check with the wisest source I know (BYC of course) for suggestions for their 11 month old lab/dalmation cross. Bella just broke out in her second hot spot. The first one was about a month ago on her back above her tail. They took her to the vet and the thought was that it was likely the result of something she may have eaten on a hike (they are big hikers and trail walkers and Bella LOVES to run ahead and back). Their vet shaved the area, Bella was on oral antibiotics and a topical cream plus wore the "cone of shame". The area cleared up nicely and they thought she was in the clear. Until today when another large one broke out on her leg! The kids are really upset and concerned that their poor puppy is destined to a life of these outbreaks. They are going to talk to the vet about possible food allergies.
Any suggestions of things to avoid??? I know it is probably very individual but they are open to and hoping for suggestions.
Many thanks...
Here is Bella

What kind of food is she eating? That is the first place I always start. Lots of foods have Corn, Soy, Chicken, Beef ect that are some of the main triggers for food allergies. When I was working in a pet store about 80% of the pets who had hot spots cleared up after about 3-4 weeks on a better quality food.
If the are feeding a lower grade food with a lot of corn in it then Just by upgrading to something with out corn may fix the problem. If they are already feeding a higher quality food then check the ingriedients and if the main meat listed is chicken or beef the possibly try a Lamb and Rice formula. I have and Aussie who can't handle chicken so he gets Lamb and Rice. Our Lab who we just rescued a month ago was on a food with a lot of corn and came with a hot spot on his leg, he is now on a higher quality food and the hot spot is almost completely gone with out any treatment of the spot what so ever.
Our German Shepherd has seasonal allergies and that is a whole other ball game. So hopefully it is a food allergy and not something harder to treat. I wish you all luck with the dog and speedy healing!
That location is classic for flea allergies. Some dogs are so allergic they will break out from just a bite or two. I had a chi like that and at the first sign of itch, I doused the area with 50/50 listerine (the yellow) and water. Worked like a charm. If it's food that won't work, but that's not typical location for food allergies.

Shave it, wash it, keep it dry and treat for fleas!

Definitely a flea allergy. I have one dog out of my 10 who is allergic and he always tells us if we have fleas by chewing there lol.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. They have treated her for fleas but I think the last treatment was a month ago with the first hot spot so will be time again in the cycle. Would the one on her leg be a high flea location? I understand the one on her back near the base of her tail? I will forward all your suggestions to them and I know they will be most appreciative.
Diet and fleas sounds like the areas to explore.
My daughter wondered if it could be she is bored? I think she read this in researching hot spots. Bella lives in a house with a 3 year old and my daughter is home all day with son in law home in the evening. Bella gets at least an hour play session or long walk in the morning and usually a long walk or run with my son in law also. Do you think this could be a possibility? She is a very high energy/active dog....good fit for their family who are also very active and outdoorsy.
I have one dog who is neurotic and chews on his hair. He "barbers" is though, just cuts it down to almost skin. He chews his tail and his hip on one side. I have treated him for "everything" and even sent a skin biopsy out. We can find nothing medically wrong with him. One year on hypoallergenic (Kangaroo/potato) food even to test food allergy. He still chews on those spots, no matter what we do. We did x-rays to see if he had any reason for pain there, nothing on x-ray but, we treated him for pain for 2 months. He is treated for fleas monthly, year round, We did steroids and food to rule out irritable bowel. Skin scraping to check for parasites. Deworned him multiple times with broad spectrum dewormers. Put him on anti-anxiety meds for 6 months.....Like I said "everything" we could think of. I even got a second opinion from another vet friend of mine!

So, being bored may be it but, that is not something that should be considered until all other causes are ruled out.

Keep using flea medication, use it every 4 weeks instead of on the same day each month. Depending on what it is you could go to every 3 weeks even (check with your vet first).

Good luck!
Ok I am new here and my english is not so good (better at spanish)
I have a Newfoundland, she was having trouble in the paws tummy under arm and many more places , it was painful to see here , we try raw food (avoid chicken, because is #one souce for dog allergies , grains as well)that work great for the dog but not for my pocket about 500 $ a week.
We change to difference quibbles from the most expensive to the medicated ones did't work so good will clear for a while and then came back.
Obviously we were using corticoids as well.
Finally I decided to go my way and do some research.
The product is call NZIMES .In the web will be a list that you have to check and see what the dogs ,cat , horse or even human has and will tell you the treatment.
It is a bit complex but natural and works wonders.
My dog hasn't have the rushes for 8 years and if she does because of season change or food change I just give her a boost to that and is gone.
Tell your daughter to check it out and give it a try, will beat any vet treatment.
Good luck

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