Help: Duckling having trouble swallowing, see video


Oct 17, 2018
East Tennessee

Stevie has trouble with swallowing water and crumble/mash. Worms and scrambled eggs seem to go down fine. This doesn't look like wry neck that I have researched. It's as though the food gets caught. I'm not sure why he has trouble with water. I have been giving B complex. Any ideas on what may be wrong?

I am feeding him Purina flock raiser mixed with B complex and water to make a soupy mash. I have also been giving him live worms and scrambled eggs. He doesn't seem to have a hard time swallowing the worms and eggs. It's almost as though water is too thin and mash is too grainy or thick.
I did not see him have trouble swallowing yesterday and thought that we may be in the clear. I made the video this morning while he tried to eat his breakfast. He struggled with the mash and when he drank but did fine with the scrambled eggs.
One of the babies got it head stuck in the poultry netting when they we brand new, last Monday. I have no idea which one but I am wondering if it's this little one. Wry neck was mentioned but he does not have trouble holding up his head. In fact, he generally looks normal unless he is eating.

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