Help! Duck's beak seems to be rotting?

okay...thanks...they seem to be getting a little stronger every day...ill keep at day at a time!! Sowhat about the calcium?? And is there something i can do about their toes starting to curl inwards?? i know have lots of questions.....i just want to be sure.....iv raised every animal but Ducks are new to me...i did lots of reading about them but its not the same as experience huh?!...would 16% laying mesh be considered an all flock feed??
They really shouldn't have layer or extra calcium until close to laying age around 20 weeks. An All flock is like Purina Flock Raiser but I am sure other brands are out their too. Ask at your feed store.

I can't find all flock in the NON GMO feed I buy so I use broiler which is very close to the Purina Flock Raiser brand.But check around if you can Purina is expensive feed but a good quality feed.

Niacin is the treatment for leg issues now you can make shoes for these ducks to keep their feet from curling I'll get you the link I'd also some protein to their diet such as dried meal worms or sardine in water something to give them some added protein in natural form. My Ducks love bugs and forage alot but this time of year they are hard to come by so they get extra protein in the form of dried meal worms and dry high quality dog kibble some use cat kibble, these are special treats.
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they have only been on wheat and corn.....i ran out ofchicken starter and thought they would be fine if i added soy protein to their food.....guess iwas wrong!!
so they dont need the calcium?or should i give them the niacin, calcium and vitamin d? or is that too much vitamins at once. is it ok if they get other b vitamins with the B3....its a liquid cocktail,but its mostly niacin...

They need duck food. Wheat and corn should never be fed as a staple diet.

It sounds like this is not going to clear up on its own, it could be fungal, and those are REALLY hard to cure, even with veterinary care. You need to get her looked at, please don't force her to continue suffering life this anymore. ;/
@Amykins Not everyone can get duck food I can't. There are poultry feeds that are formulated for all species of poultry like Purina Flock Raiser. for those of us who can't find duck feed.

I agree a vet would be a good idea but not everyone can afford vet care or have a vet in their are who will see poultry. There isn't a vet here who will see poultry. Which is a shame since so many of us now keep poultry.

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