Help Emergency!!! Hen pooping straight blood

Is corid similar to that? It was fairly expensive for 1 bottle so if it works the same I'll stick with corid. Hopefully by the second day of treatment she'll be ok like yours was.
I hope so too
I don't know all the drug facts and similarities but there are some folks here on BYC that will gladly inundate you with vet talk- I bought what said it was for treatment of direct cocci and not just a preventative. It wasn't cheap either so I'd stick with what I had too unless it just wasn't working for you. Good luck
I hope so too
I don't know all the drug facts and similarities but there are some folks here on BYC that will gladly inundate you with vet talk- I bought what said it was for treatment of direct cocci and not just a preventative. It wasn't cheap either so I'd stick with what I had too unless it just wasn't working for you. Good luck
FYI, Corid can be used as a preventative *and* as a treatment.

Dosing picture:

FDA recommendations:
Indications: For the treatment of coccidiosis.
Amount: Administer at the 0.012 percent level in drinking water as soon as coccidiosis is diagnosed and continue for 3 to 5 days (in severe outbreaks, give amprolium at the 0.024 percent level); continue with 0.006 percent amprolium-medicated water for an additional 1 to 2 weeks."

And this link has these instructions:
"Poultry - as Soon As Caecal Coccidiosis Is Diagnosed, Give 0.024% Amprolium In The Drinking Water For 5 To 7 Days. Continue The Treatment With 0.006% Amprolium Medicated Water For An Additional One To Two Weeks. No Other Source Of Drinking Water Should Be Available To The Birds During This Time."

Thanks, I've noticed that she has a squishy crop now and her breath kind if smells like sour crop. She passed a lump of some type of stringy material and some blood. I'm starting to wonder if it's an impaction that lead to sour crop, but that still doesn't explain all the blood unless whatever's impacted is causing it. I think I might try some monistat on her, because i don't think she'll last much longer, and I might as well try everything I can.
Thanks, I've noticed that she has a squishy crop now and her breath kind if smells like sour crop. She passed a lump of some type of stringy material and some blood. I'm starting to wonder if it's an impaction that lead to sour crop, but that still doesn't explain all the blood unless whatever's impacted is causing it. I think I might try some monistat on her, because i don't think she'll last much longer, and I might as well try everything I can.
Can you post a picture of it?

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A picture of her or the stringy poop? I pulled the poop pellet thing apart and it looked fibery like grass or feathers or something of that sort and it smelled terrible, there was also a little blood and liquid
A picture of her or the stringy poop? I pulled the poop pellet thing apart and it looked fibery like grass or feathers or something of that sort and it smelled terrible, there was also a little blood and liquid
Poop pictures can be very helpful. So many thing can cause bloody poop, and often it's more than just one thing. Have you been giving corid? If so, how much?

We gave her the liquid corid at about 1/2 of a teaspoon per pint, we only have a little dish of water in her cage. And I disposed of the stringy stuff already but here's another poop.


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