HELP!! farm innovator 2450 FAIL


In the Brooder
May 21, 2024
I’m at day 22 in my farm innovator 2450.
Out of 27 fertilized eggs only 8 made it to lock down.
I ran a second and third (both same brand)
Thermometer/hygrometer in there but they may be wrong as well.

What do you guys use for trustworthy brands of hygrometers/thermometers and have you found any tips/tricks to be more successful with this incubator?

Should I take the guts out of it and better the container portion and build my own?!?!?

I think my eggs have died and I’m so bummed. This was my first ever try at hatching.
Try calibrating your thermometer and hygrometer.

Were all 27 eggs developing? Sometimes things just don't always work out.
They were… I had 31 total but 4 ended up not fertile and never started. I tossed them at day 10.

I have cheap digital ones, I’ll check to see if I can calibrate them. I’d like to get a better one(s) I heard Govee and Brinseas are both good… any suggestions??
They were… I had 31 total but 4 ended up not fertile and never started. I tossed them at day 10.

I have cheap digital ones, I’ll check to see if I can calibrate them. I’d like to get a better one(s) I heard Govee and Brinseas are both good… any suggestions??
I have two Brinsea 56EX incubators and neither one is correct. One is set at 100.3 and the other at 100.9, which = 99.5 per my Govees. I have four of them as I have two brooders and two incubators running most times.

The more expensive ones are wifi and Bluetooth, while the cheaper ones are just Bluetooth but all have phone apps, alarms you can set for high/low temp and humidity warnings, and are calibratable. This is what I'd get as it's HUGELY on sale right now, about $13.70 for two of them.
I have two Brinsea 56EX incubators and neither one is correct. One is set at 100.3 and the other at 100.9, which = 99.5 per my Govees. I have four of them as I have two brooders and two incubators running most times.

The more expensive ones are wifi and Bluetooth, while the cheaper ones are just Bluetooth but all have phone apps, alarms you can set for high/low temp and humidity warnings, and are calibratable. This is what I'd get as it's HUGELY on sale right now, about $13.70 for two of them.
Thank you!! This incubators I’ve had read anywhere from 102.5-105 to keep at 99-101 at top of eggs and humidity reads 50% on the display when my two other hygrometers are saying 60-75
It doesn’t maintain very well at all. I’m trying to figure out what I could do differently to help it maintain. I had it plugged in for a week previous and moved it around the house to find the best spot where it was consistent. But once I added eggs or after i open to candle I have to babysit it to get it constant again. I have a blanket wrapped kind of around/over it which helps.
I have two Brinsea 56EX incubators and neither one is correct. One is set at 100.3 and the other at 100.9, which = 99.5 per my Govees. I have four of them as I have two brooders and two incubators running most times.

The more expensive ones are wifi and Bluetooth, while the cheaper ones are just Bluetooth but all have phone apps, alarms you can set for high/low temp and humidity warnings, and are calibratable. This is what I'd get as it's HUGELY on sale right now, about $13.70 for two of them.
Just ordered two of the govee! 😊👍🏼 hoping I can get the next batch to hatch 😬😅
Has anyone used the GQF thermometer/hygrometer in another brand of incubator and do they seem accurate?
This one:

I want to run a few on this next round and make sure they are calibrated. My incubator def has cold/hot spots but I feel like I’m learning that and have been able to avoid them well enough, but a couple more points of reference would help for sure haha

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