Help! Farm Master 171 600 Egg Redwood Incubator


6 Years
Aug 24, 2014
western MD
There is a Redwood Monster in my living room.
I know incubator people will understand. : )
I just got a 600 egg Farm Master redwood incubator & I am about to scream for help.
I won't tell what I paid for or you will cry but I did have to drive 3 hours
each way and bribe my husband with dinner.
No idea of the age (no tags). The guy said it belonged to his grandmother and she had hatched in it.
I am going to sand and polyurethane the outside and repaint the silver inside
I have most of the outside wiped off but the guts totally confuse me.
All the trays are there, with metal strips to turn them.
Thermometer and hygrometer (?) are there.
I am going to have a bazillion questions about everything else.
This is a start at least. I will post pictures from my phone later.

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