Help! First natural chcks!


6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
Billings, MT
My Coop
My Coop
Well I found our lost hen today under our deck with 4 new chicks. I have little or no water available in that area. My question is, do I put the chicks into the brooder box with or without their mother? Or make water available and let her try to raise them alone and unprotected? Thanks!
Well I have to be honest if she's been sitting under there and is fine now she will likely be okay another few days. I would put some water and a little food under there for the mama and chicks and after about 3 days or so they will likely emerge to explore and the mama will protect them well. I let mine raise the chicks herself apart from the flock for about a week or two then just threw them in the coop with the others and she kept them safe and integrated them well also.
But if you decide to its not a big deal to just move them to a brooder box ( big enough for mama also) and food and water for a week or two.
Thanks Luka - we went ahead and caught the whole family of 5 and moved them into the brooder box, with little supplemental heat, food and water. Liked the idea of moving them back out with the flock after a week or two!
Do you have a roo ? Even so it is the funniest thing watching the mama act when other hens or the roo come around!! She puffs up real big and spreads her wings out and backs away from them while the chicks are behind her she also fights other hens when they come around just exploring they get into a little tussle and then part ways.. Great to watch!
After about two weeks or so the mama just leaves them alone and they are on their own from there and they start finding their place in the pecking order quick!! The other hens will peck them and I've had them pick them up and drop from from their feathers all okay no harm done but the hens let them know who's boss!

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