Help! first time hatching!

TB mare from years ago:

Katie at Silver Lining Horse Trials - Photo by Ed Lawrence


Exercising Katie at the barn

Beautiful! I love that you jump! I had a thoroughbred for many many years. He was born at a racing farm but one of the groundskeepers got drunk and ran him over with a lawnmower!!! He was sooo beautiful and would do 3 foot jumps easily! He died of colic about 4 years ago. I now have a standard bred but he is only 4 and a handful. He jumps and does 3 ft's with a bit of "motivation". Though he is VERY spooky. Snow, rain, birds, and even dust in the air sends him running. Great position in the first pic.! How old is she?
Ok but PLEASE leave her alone from here on. You got your results so let's let her do her job. Remember I said have the bator ready around one week before due date INCASE she decides she has had enough. First time mommas aren't always the best but they get it the second time around.
Could you send me pictures of what to expect?

Ok no more candling Ok let her be a momma. So far SHES doing a great job and guess what it's without your help lol. Your first time mamma might just be a pro at this but you must leave her alone. After she had done this once and gets it then you can candle more often but not when it's her first shot at it.
All of the eggs are fertile!!! The veins look awesome, and they got right back on the nest as soon as I closed the inclosure! I can't wait!! They are suck good partners to make sure they are warm and ok!! Is it common for like 1/4 to 1/2 that is kinda shaded? But all have a little body starting with veins all around it!

Awright, 100% fertility, heck yeah!

Okay, now that you know, please do as Lacry says and don't touch the nest. Like, at all. And make sure you have that incubator on hand just in case! Man, hatching eggs is an exercise in patience...which I do not possess. So trust me, I know what it's like to constantly want to check on the eggs every five minutes!
Awright, 100% fertility, heck yeah! :highfive:

Okay, now that you know, please do as Lacry says and don't touch the nest. Like, at all. And make sure you have that incubator on hand just in case! Man, hatching eggs is an exercise in patience...which I do not possess. So trust me, I know what it's like to constantly want to check on the eggs every five minutes!

I would say that's ok if the mamma duck would allow it AND she has done it before because then she trust your not going to hurt her babies. But first timers are soooo unpredictable. Some are pros and some just give up at the last minute. I can be So frustrating.
Ok I promise I won't bother the females again!! But I might accidental when I refill water and food every 2-4 days...
Is that ok? And why is like 1/4-1/2 of the egg shaded? Is it the yolj
So it's definitely time to bring in the stock tank, these little buggers think it's cute to jump out of their current container




They've grown so much in less than 2 weeks!

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