HELP!!!! Found a "ROCK" inside an egg this morning!! (and other strange eggs) **PICS POSTED**

chic hens

In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 2, 2012

TOP LEFT: Found this strange looking "rock" in an egg this morning. The shell was softer than usual.

TOP RIGHT: Found this tiny egg in the nesting box last night. There was also an egg white with some yolk in the nesting box. I couldn't find any pieces of a shell. What causes that...Should I be concerned???

BOTTOM PHOTO: I found this egg this morning. I brought it in and opened it since it was the same color and size of the one I opened this morning with the "rock" in it. The shell was also very soft. No "rock" in it and the egg white and yolk looked normal...but the outside of the shell has this strange rough patch of small bumps.
What the heck is going on with my chickens???

Thank you in advance for any help or advice!!!
I don't know why the egg has a rock in it but, you could Google it and find out why. I have never had an egg like that and I would think that it was something that your hen ate and wanted to get it out and putting it in the egg was the fastest way to get it out or it was stuck in her ovary when the egg was produced?
As for the small egg? Have you cracked it if so and there was no yolk and only egg white, people call those cock eggs because they once thought that because there was no yolk that maybe a rooster laid it.People also call(ed)it a wind/fart egg because they thought that the hen may have laid it while passing gas(wind)...But I would not know what would cause it in reality?
The rough patch is bumps in the bottom photo are pimples (calcium deposits) It is caused by too much calcium...As to your "soft-shelled" egg...A soft-shelled egg is an egg covered only by an inner and outer membrane. In reality such an egg does not have a soft shell but, no shell at all. Eggs without shells occur when a hen's shell-forming mechanism malfunctions or for some reason her egg is rushed through and laid prematurely. Stress induced by fright or excitement can cause a hen to expel an egg before it is finished. A nutritional deficiency, especially of vitamin D or calcium, can cause soft shells. A laying hen's calcium needs are increased by age and by warm weather ( when hens eat less and therefore get less calcium from their diet). Appropriate nutritional boosters include a calcium supplement offered free choice and vitamin AD&E powder added to their drinking water 3 times a week. Soft shell that are laid when production peaks in Spring, and the occasional soft or missing shell, are nothing to be worried about. But if a hen lays fewer than her usual number of eggs, and the eggs she does lay have soft shell then she may have a serious viral disease.
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Thanks for the reply...
No I have not cracked the tiny egg open yet. I will check it though!
So what about the blob of egg white in the nesting box??? What do you think caused that?
Just checked the tiny were right!! NO yolk...only egg white. So what does that mean exactly? Is that a sign of a problem? Or perhaps just a misfire?
I would say misfire. Odd that stone, she didn't eat it, the digestive track and the egg tract are separate. I would say she still has a few kinks to work out in the egg making process. You didn't say how old your birds are or whether they are just starting to lay again after molt or their winter break. If so they can lay a strange egg or two when starting up. But yeah they can do it just because any time. Let us know if it continues.
Thank you for your reply!
I am still new and learning and I have no idea who laid the wind egg, who left the raw egg white and yolk or who had the "rock" in her egg. :/
All that being said... :) I have 2 barred rocks (4-5yrs), 2 americaunas (just started laying...age unknown), 1 rir (4 yrs), 1 polish top hat (just started laying...age unknown), 1 black cochin (age unknown...not sure if she lays, she has an issue with yellow stinky gunk on her vent...ugh!!!), 1 black sex-link (just started laying...age unknown) and 1 handsome salmon faverolle rooster (10 months).
I cut the "rock" in half. The outside seemed to be like the outside shell of an m&m and the inside looked like semi hard yolk. Weird. Perhaps it was an egg inside an egg???
I cracked an egg open this morning and found this round white rubbery substance should I cut it open, I'm not sure what part of the egg this is.
I didn't dare eat any part of the egg. I have it saved in my fridge. This was very odd to find when I cracked open the egg .Has anyone ever seen anything like this before . I took a picture of it. I got this from a dozen eggs on sale at my local grocery store. I think I'm gonna stick to strictly organic eggs after this.

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