Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

Hmm could it be a white modern game but it might too tall
Yes I agree, it has the same long face!
Not yet... More to come on Sunday...she is looking much better and looking more like a chicken every day. Her feathers are coming in nicely on her head and her eye is healing nicely, I did notice she seems to scratch it only when I put vaseline on her it though, so I've been trying to apply very little every other day to keep her eye from healing shut
Big thank-you for taking care of this baby. Looking at it, it looks more chicken than anything else, but it could be a hybrid of some sort. I think it will need to be totally healthy before a real determination can be made from looks. there is a possibility that it may have some back injury keeping it from standing normally and feather loss could be from stress. This poor baby has been through a lot of injury and pain in it's little life, but things are looking up with the chance you are giving it. One thing is for sure, if it sprawls out on you like that (totally cute pic), it totally trusts you. As an aside, you can see the dinosaurs in birds when they lose some of their feathers and with those big feet. I'm subscribing. Wishing the best for this baby.
I've put her in a bigger cage where she has room to walk around, she only stoops when she is sleeping, when she walks eats or drinks she stands normal, I did notice she's been having a little diarrhea, not much maybe once every 15 times she poops. Any ideas?

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