Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

Turkeys do not have combs, they have what's called a snood. It's the red piece of skin that droops down over a tom's beak. The hens have this too, however it is more like a bump on their heads that doesn't droop over their beaks. I don't think what you have is a turkey though.
Turkeys do not have combs, they have what's called a snood. It's the red piece of skin that droops down over a tom's beak. The hens have this too, however it is more like a bump on their heads that doesn't droop over their beaks. I don't think what you have is a turkey though.
x2. Shouldn't it be a chicken then? Does any other type of bird have a comb?
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Very interesting! I must subscribe just to see how it grows out.

My first inclination is that it is a commercial turkey that fell from a truck. That would explain some of the injuries. Very often they don't get the cages properly closed and they lose some along the way.

Would this be a possibility? Do you live near a highway that would have poultry trucks going by?

I have never raised turkeys so I don't know if the comb would change into the other thing as it grows up.
There are highways nearby but its got puncture marks all over like maybe it was snatched up by a hawk and dropped, I also noticed its starting to lose feathers on its head and neck, not on its body, what would cause this?
A comb will not turn into a snood. I raised broad breasted white turkeys last year. They are the standard commercial meat turkey. All turkeys have a snood when they're born. I think a chicken is the only thing that looks similar to that with a comb.
There are highways nearby but its got puncture marks all over like maybe it was snatched up by a hawk and dropped, I also noticed its starting to lose feathers on its head and neck, not on its body, what would cause this?
No idea but that is the biggest chicken head/beak I have ever seen! Can't wait to see how it matures. About how big is it now? Compared to an adult sex-link or some other LF type.

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