Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

Wow, the FeatherSite page referred to in Tyrosinase' post has some very (ahem) unusual-looking crossbreeds. This one in particular.


Enough to give a person nightmares! Yikes

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Lol that is one scary looking bird, fingers crossed mine doesn't turn out like that.... Its doing ok today, keeps scratching its face, I'm assuming it itches from the healing/scabbing process, it keeps scratching and making its eye lid bleed
I'll take some better pics later tonight
Here are some more pictures

close up of injured eye

you can see clearly where part of the beak is missing

I know this looks odd but I swear it likes to sleep like this on my lap...

I cut a whole in a washcloth and slipped it over its head to keep it from scratching.

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