Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

it doesn't have a chickens beak though.... its beak extends all the way under its eyes, call me crazy but it almost looks like a turkey's beak, but I don't know why.
Thanks for taking care of this injured "chicken". You have a good heart and I hope it makes a fast recovery. Who cares if it's cugly lol if you love it and it loves you - your both winners!! ;)
I dunno maybe ive just been looking at the pictures too much....
I'm not sure if its just sitting like that because its not feeling well, it tucks its head onto its back when it sleeps... Don't know if this is anything different or not
Here are some more pictures

close up of injured eye

you can see clearly where part of the beak is missing

I know this looks odd but I swear it likes to sleep like this on my lap...

I cut a whole in a washcloth and slipped it over its head to keep it from scratching.

Using a washcloth like that was a good idea. Love the photo of him sleeping on your lap!!
Well, I certainly don't know what all the fuss is about. I know exactly what it is. It's a Droptusbutluckus. See, they are a rare species, only found by a few intrepid folks with big hearts. They are elusive, usually only appearing only once every 10 years or so, and they chose the time and place to be spotted. It's unusual for one to be found by someone with access to this kind of forum, however, since they usually are only found by people who then spend the next decade saying, "No, really, I found this bird and it was the saddest thing I ever saw. It was thiiiis big, had a long beak, a funny shaped head and slept upside down. I'm serious! Gimme me another beer and I'll tell you what we did with it."

Whatever it turns out to be, I seriously admire your compassion and commitment to save this precious life. I am subscribing, well, just because.

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