Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

Could it be a baby turkey vulture?
Look at how much he/she has changed over the past month
When I first found her/him

And now

Does anyone else think I have a little roo on my hands, lol. Well anyway it is doing sooooo much better, getting spunkier everyday, even trying to fly out of its cage, he/she gets and running start after sizing up the fencing and flaps her wings as hard as she can, it always seems to crash into the side of the cage though...
. Its has been making some strange squaky sounds and doesn't stop until I take him/her outside for a little while. She/he still loves being cuddled and runs over to the cage whenever my kids walk by, they cant help but stop to pet her/him. Don't know what I will do if it turns out to be a roo, I wont get rid of him, but I may have to build him another coop seeing as how I already have a roo and only 4 hens.
I like Cappi for the name because it means luck and it would do for a male or female. I did like Blessing when I first read it but it seems more of a girls name. It would be amazing if you could breed it and the eggs would be fertile.
Well, at this point in time we are not sure what he is, so I think it is a waiting game. He çould turn out to be something very special and you might need to see if you can find him a mate of whatever breed he turns out to be. Do you think that your husband would go along with that? If Cappi is something special?
It looks like a turkey. If you have any Vetricin you put a small amount on the chest wounds. Poor thing :(
I see vulture like some other people - but then it still looks chicken - that's an interesting bird for sure

Mass mix of birds- so want to see when all feathering comes back
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Look at how much he/she has changed over the past month
When I first found her/him

And now

Does anyone else think I have a little roo on my hands, lol. Well anyway it is doing sooooo much better, getting spunkier everyday, even trying to fly out of its cage, he/she gets and running start after sizing up the fencing and flaps her wings as hard as she can, it always seems to crash into the side of the cage though...
. Its has been making some strange squaky sounds and doesn't stop until I take him/her outside for a little while. She/he still loves being cuddled and runs over to the cage whenever my kids walk by, they cant help but stop to pet her/him. Don't know what I will do if it turns out to be a roo, I wont get rid of him, but I may have to build him another coop seeing as how I already have a roo and only 4 hens.

I like cappi and it works for a boy.... I'm kinda stuck, I can't get him any girlfriends so he's gonna be one lonely boy

Definitely a Roo, and definitely a chicken!
Is it Cappi then? Yay! I'm so glad you found him, and are sharing the little fellow!

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