Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

yes cappi it is, 5 year old approved. I don't know if I could convince my husband to let me have anymore chickens, but maybe if he turns out to be something rare or something like that I may be able to talk him into that. I don't know what to do about a coop, the coop I have now is 4 foot by 8 foot and 4 foot tall inside a 28'x40' run, maybe there is a way I can section a portion of the coop and run off just for him. Any other suggestions? I really don't want to get rid of the rooster I have now but that may have to be an option as well. What do you guys think would be the best solution?
yes cappi it is, 5 year old approved. I don't know if I could convince my husband to let me have anymore chickens, but maybe if he turns out to be something rare or something like that I may be able to talk him into that. I don't know what to do about a coop, the coop I have now is 4 foot by 8 foot and 4 foot tall inside a 28'x40' run, maybe there is a way I can section a portion of the coop and run off just for him. Any other suggestions? I really don't want to get rid of the rooster I have now but that may have to be an option as well. What do you guys think would be the best solution?

If you want to try keeping both boys he'd have to be kept out of sight from the rest of your flock. He would need his own coop and run away from everyone else. If he ends up with his own bachelor pad you could keep him with another roo...again as long as the can't see or be seen by the girls. Or... I've seen plenty of people keep rabbits with chickens. I'd be concerned about the rabbit getting injured if a roo were to get agressive but people seem to have great luck keeping them together. I suppose giving the rabbit a chicken free area would work.
yes cappi it is, 5 year old approved. I don't know if I could convince my husband to let me have anymore chickens, but maybe if he turns out to be something rare or something like that I may be able to talk him into that. I don't know what to do about a coop, the coop I have now is 4 foot by 8 foot and 4 foot tall inside a 28'x40' run, maybe there is a way I can section a portion of the coop and run off just for him. Any other suggestions? I really don't want to get rid of the rooster I have now but that may have to be an option as well. What do you guys think would be the best solution?

He seems like he's going to be a house-chicken so do you know anyone who has a huge dog cage or crate? I don't know what kind of predators you have in your area but if someone nearby could give you a cage, you could attach a run to it. I don't think a crate would be much protection against predators. They're just plastic.

If he's going to be a house-chicken he wouldn't need a huge run all by himself. Just something to get him out of the house when you need him out.
What if I let him free range and split up my hens so two would be with him and two with the other roo? would that work or would that just cause more problems... I live on about 2 acres...
ofcourse they would all be locked up at night him and his girls in a separate coop.

First off, great story and thanks for taking care of this little guy. :) Here is just my opinion. There are times that Roosters can get along just fine, especially if one has a disability, your current rooster may not see him as a threat. I am not making any promises, but if I were in your shoes, I would just see how things develop and have a back up plan. Free ranging on lots of space is a good idea, and as long as he can get away, and he isn't the only loner. it could work out fine. Start to introduce him to your other chickens from a distance when you take him outside. Try not to stress, he won't mature until around 5 months, and if there is a dominate rooster he likely won't challenge him at that age. Relax and enjoy him for now. :)
Funny story.... My 1 year old was walking around outside eating what was left of her grilled cheese sandwich, and the little booger ran over, jumped up snatched the sandwich out of her hand and took off running across the yard...lmao sad part though, he was pecking at the ground today and the scabbed part of his beak fell off, he is now missing a big chunk of his top beak and is having a hard time picking up food... Any suggestions?
Funny story.... My 1 year old was walking around outside eating what was left of her grilled cheese sandwich, and the little booger ran over, jumped up snatched the sandwich out of her hand and took off running across the yard...lmao sad part though, he was pecking at the ground today and the scabbed part of his beak fell off, he is now missing a big chunk of his top beak and is having a hard time picking up food... Any suggestions?

It's my understanding that the beak continues to grow and they keep it trimmed by pecking and swiping it on the ground. Maybe it will grow back? Is there anything left to grow back from?

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