Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

That is so sad about the battery hen. I know they don't all look like that. Is it any wonder that chalky-yolked, light yellow-yolked, tasteless eggs come from a bird who looks like this?
I'm so sorry everyone for taking soooo long to post an update, my daughter just started kindergarten last week so we had a CRAZY week I'll post pics later tonight. We've decided, or I should say my husband decided he should be named Capone, one of the conditions of him building me a new enclosure outside for my little man. I've been trying to introduce him slowly to my other chickens through a fence but he always seems to squeeze himself through and ends up squaking until I come out to rescue him, today I tried something new, I placed him inside a small enclosure inside the huge chicken run, all the hens did was run circles around the pen pecking him whenever they could reach, my rooster left him alone though.... I ended up taking him back out... The cutest part though was when I went to get him, I took him out of his little enclosure and he ran to the gate, I opened the gate and he ran to the back door, I opened the door and he ran and jumped in his cage... He was sooo happy to be back inside, I'm not sure if hell ever be an outside only chicken... His beak is growing back and he is doing wonderfully! Pictures coming later tonight, thank you all for loving him as much as me!
Capone (like the name!) sounds like one smart little guy. Looking forward to the new pictures, this has been an amazing story and so much fun to keep up with. Thank you for sharing him with us!




You can see his broken beak in this last pic... poor baby
He's starting to get some brown feathers... any thoughts on breed?
Isn't he turning into such a handsome boy???

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