Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

I salvaged an old shopping cart and turned it into a bachelor pad for him....

That's the most creative use of a shopping cart I've ever heard of and definitely the most touching. Thank you from all of us, especially from Capone, for taking him in and loving him back to health.

Will you please post an updated photo? I'd love to see his new place too.
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So Capone spent his first night outside last night...all by himself in his own coop and run. I salvaged an old shopping cart and turned it into a bachelor pad for him....this is only temporary, we are planning on buying a house next year so when we move my sister will be taking cooper (my slw roo) and Capone will be in with the girls, I would switch them out now but I think Capone is still too small to defend himself, and the girls all like to pick on him... I don't think he likes being outside, everytime I look out there he is pacing the fence back and forth, do you think I should put the least dominant hen in there with him?
I have a Cornish cross/Welsummer mix that looks like his mother, Prince.

Shortly after this picture he disappeared for 6 days. When he showed up again I brought him into the house. He was soooo scared of the other chickens. I have been taking him outside when I go outside to work with the chickens and he would stick to me like glue, practically under my feet. I have a dog exercise pen out in front of the house and I divided it to put him and Sam (the Silkie) in it. While I was working right next to the pen, I opened the gate and they came out. They haven't been fighting, him and Sam so I wondered if he was really a he. Then I saw Sam grabbing Prince's tail feathers like he does the girls. Like Sam hasn't figured out how to mate with the girls yet and again, I was wondering if Prince was a he or not.

I have/had 2 mixed birds that look a blue splash and wanted to breed them when they get old enough but they keep disappearing. Today I caught the one I could find and put him in a cage. While I was cleaning out the coop, Prince discovered this bird in the cage and they were trying to fight through the bars. At that point, I noticed that Prince has some long tail feathers. I don't know why I didn't notice before, so he is a he.

But my point I was trying to make before I got side tracked, was that tonight Prince decided he wanted to stay out with the big chickens. I was unsure but he didn't come when I called him so I am giving him his chance and he has nowhere to hide if there is trouble in the coop. He will have to fight or surrender. I think that he has found that he is no longer smaller than any but the adults out there. Since his mother is the Cornish Cross and is the biggest chicken I have, he is not as small as he might think and he has grown a lot since he came back from his "vacation." He has not had a real fight with his father and no fight with the other rooster, Elvis the Crested Polish. I did see his father pulling his tail today but that is all. I am hoping he is alright out there but he's a chicken and needs to be with them if they can all accept each other on some level.
Well I'm so upset I just went to lock Capone in for the night and he is gone,
. I'm hoping he just went for a vacation but I seen a rogue raccoon in my carport today.... Hoping he didn't get taken by something.... He was just in there like two hrs ago when I checked on him... So sad!
Oh no! Please keep us posted on Capone, hopefully he turns up quickly.
I'm hoping he just went for a walk, we live on 2 acres... I told my 5yr old that maybe he went to find his mommy and daddy, she is devastated.... Who would have guessed that we would have grown so attached to a little chicken... Fingers crossed that he turns up soon
I would go out with a flashlight and look up in all the trees. Often I go to lockup my chickens and do a head count and one more are missing. I do a quick scan of the trees and there they are. I have to pluck them down and put them back in their house.

I hope you find him.

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