Help! Going out of town and need advice please

Nah! They'll overcome their fear and curiosity will win out. One of the braver chicks will check it out, and when it doesn't eat that one, the others will come around too. Then, they'll enjoy the extra space! My youngsters are the same way. Put treats in a bowl and put that in the run for them, and it's a MONSTER! Soon, though, my Brahma that I think is a rooster will check it out and start eating. The others come over pretty quickly then.
You're sooo right! I've seen it with goodie bowls and once someone gives their approval they're all over it. I love it! Such great personalities!
Yes, those personalities make it so much fun to have chickens! I know who may try to peck and can prepare for that, although the chicks (pullets now, really) don't attempt to do that much any more as I have been targeted as the momma hen and provider of treats. They also observe the bigger girls, my four full-grown hens who free range, interacting with me. They come running when I call and the chicks see them getting treats and such. They get frantic, calling out for me to hurry up and feed them! I have one cochin who is very friendly and comes over to be stroked. She's red. The black cochin and RIR will come over after that and love to be stroked on the breat, but not over their heads on their backs. Each to her own, I guess!

I generally make sure all of them have a full supply of fresh food and water everyday and right before I leave town. I can get my oldest daughter to drive over and check on them once a day while I'm gone - she gets to keep any eggs she collects, so she loves to do that!
It's so fun! Yes, there are some that love to nestle into my lap and be stroked all over and some that don't. I have a roo that loves his butt to be pulled on. Something I learned from my parrots. His name is Rooster Cogburn. Original huh? Lol! My son lives with us, so he knows he gets farm duty when I'm gone.

I'm all packed and ready to go. All seems well. I'm so glad to get to talk to y'all and don't mind continuing the thread to get more opinions and chicken love stories.

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Beautiful flock of chickens! My big girls are molting right now, so they look pretty raggedy. The chicks are nice and fluffy looking though! I'll have to see if I can get a picture soon!
Oh thank you! I'd love to see. Someday I'll upload a bunch of pictures, but I'm rarely on my computer to do it.
Your flock is beautiful - so cute.

I strung corn from the garden today to their roosting limbs - and it's chicken piñata . Great entertainment.

Safe travels.
Thank you very much! Cooked corn? That sounds like a great idea. I will tuck that idea away. Thanks!
I don't know if this would work for you, but when we go out of town for an overnighter I do this. I get the fence posts that you push in the ground with your foot and make a perimeter, then run some 2X3 by 5' fencing all around. I make it so one of the coop doors can open into it without any interference. Then I run the deer mesh over the top, letting it come down the sides about 6" and securing it with clothespins. For the ground around the perimeter, I use lattice that has been trimmed to about 12" wide (so it's 12" by 8'). I use tent pegs to stake the lattice to the ground, making sure I have a good joint where the fencing hits the lattice. This has worked for me several times. They are in the coop at night and, so far, nothing has come through my temporary fencing. My entire yard is in chain link fencing, so that's an additional barrier. also, I have an attack cat (he was injured protecting one of the hens I eventually lost to a neighbors dog). He is afraid of the chickens and nothing else!

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