Help! Goose laying on side


13 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Northern Kentucky
I am out of town, and the person taking care of my Geess called and said that one of my Geess was lying on its side. She said when she called them to come in, this one would not get opposite side, and that it had its beak talked like it was sleeping. She coaxed it to the side of the pond, and was able to pick it up. When she laid on the ground it fell on its side. From the band on it's leg, I would assume that it is around five or six years old. There is no visible sign of any type of trauma. No missing feathers, blood nor bruising.
It is opening its eyes, but keeping them closed. Breathing is labored. Any ideas, suggestions would be appreciated.
Everyone else is fine.
If she is EGG BOUND, heat and humidity can help some birds pass their eggs. Put the cage in the bathroom and turn on the hot water in the shower to steam up the room like a sauna. If it is too hot, the bird may start panting with its mouth open. You can also try soaking the lower half of the bird's body in very warm water. The water should be comfortable for you to keep your hand in without hurting. Attempting to put any kind of oil on the vent may just get the feathers greasy without getting any lubricant inside where it is needed.i see ur goose is tge loose feather kind so youll wanna keep her warm and dry afyer she is exposed to water. Just be gentle with her underside. Bless her heart! Our family is prayin for her.
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Hmm...also wondering of she is more comfortable floating in the water? A goose on its side is no good. Maybe if she seems to worsen, a warm water bath wpuld be she could float. Hopefully your friend is willing to go out of her way to make ur feathered friend uncomfortable. I dont know where youre from but find a bird vet asap. The egg binding relief instructions came from my avian vet.
Thank you all for your help and kind words. Unfortunately, she didn't make it through the night.
We are going to do a necropsy next week when we get back in town. Will let you know the results.
My hunch is that she was egg bound.

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