Help! Gosling attacked by full grown rooster.

My gosling and I were walking across the yard, I looked away to go between the fence and the next thing I knew my rooster was on top of him.

I got there quick and all I could find was one place where he was bit. On his/her back there is a dime sized hole all the way through his skin! Not much bleeding, and the membrane over the muscle is still attached.

I seperated him from the other babies and gave him a feather duster for company. Along with water food and lots of fresh grass.

He is chipper and calling to me like normal. However, what about infection? Does it need stitched? I'm so attached to this little guy. He is such a stinker. I can't loose him. I feel so guilty for not watching my rooster better and protecting GooseGoose.

Any help much appreciated!!!
Im so sorry this happened to you i just got geese and didnt know roosters would try to pick on them was goose goose okay ? And did it ever happen again is this something i should be concerned about
My rooster tried to bully my geese (2)but he finally learned he better respect them instead of fighting them. Never leave goslings out with any other of the flock with out supervision

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