Oct 15, 2020
South Carolina
I feel like my goslings are falling apart with my frequent post. But today I noticed my 7 week old Chinese gosling’s wing was red and swollen. Last week I treated him for Angel wing and this was not present at the time, and I haven’t noticed it until now so I believe this is new. The feathers look healthy but the base is warm, swollen, and very red (seems like an infection). He hasn’t been crying, doesn’t react when I handle it, and isn’t giving it much attention. My geese are still kept indoors at the moment and are monitored while outside so there hasn’t been any predator attacks (other than his sister but they don’t play rough and are both cry babies). I’ve treated Angel wing several times without any issues and his other wing looks fine. Could I have wrapped it wrong and caused an infection? I’ve never seen this without an open wound and not sure what it is. My geese also have a respiratory infection and I have antibiotics (enrofloxacin) coming in the mail. Would this antibiotic also help this infection? What course of action should I take? What should I be on the lookout for? Both geese act very healthy minus some minor respiratory symptoms that will be treated soon.


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Update. I spoke with a friend that works at a waterfowl sanctuary and she said it is indeed an infected feather shaft/follicle and the best course of action is to pull it out. It kinda looks as if 2 follicles merged in one area, I think 3 total look infected. The wing is getting more red so she is coming to help me with him tomorrow. I’ve never needed a blood feather plucked in the past and this is not an ideal situation. It seems plucking is necessary, but I want to get some second opinions and advice on aftercare etc. I won’t be preforming the procedure, she has experience and is totally capable of handling it, but it makes me sad he’ll be hurting.
The feathers have been plucked and it looks a lot better. Swelling and redness have gone down. Not showing any pain and acting normal. He doesn’t like when I look at it though lol. The main feather that was infected was pretty cool, it seems like 2 feathers merged and we’re growing out of the same shaft. He’s much better now and he’ll be going on antibiotic’s tomorrow (for a respiratory issue).


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