HI i have 25 chickens and had raised all of them by my self and just to weeks ago found out one of my pet chickens got gangrene in half of her foot. So I started to clean it with Hydrogen Peroxide then i soaked it two times a day in Epsom Salt. just three days ago the vet looked at her and said that it was very rarer that the gangrene did not spread. Well she lost half of her foot but she is running and acting like a chicken. If you have a questions please ask.
I'm going through the same thing. Red had a toe that started turning black about three years ago. My bird vet thought it had come from some injury;
she amputated half of the affected toe and he did well. Then the rest of the toe started turning black and she amputated the rest of it. Since that time
his other toes turned black and he now has only one toe on his left foot and two on the right. He is obviously in a lot of pain and the other rooster(his son)
beat him up and took his hens. It's so pitiful and my heart breaks for him. He limps badly and is obviously in pain but I don't know what to give him. Today
I brought him in the sun room and put him in a large dog crate with a thick soft bed of straw. He looked so relieved he laid down and took a nap. I went
to Tractor Supply and bought him some mealy worms. Right now he seems to be relieved that he's getting one-on-one care and lots of petting. I noticed
that now there's a dime-size black spot on his upper right leg. I know that he's going to have to be put down but I am going to make his last days as
comfortable as possible. He has been a wonderful boy and has given us many beautiful chicks. He was always sweet to the hens and babies. My husband
thinks I'm silly because I've been crying all day. Our chickens are free range and I love looking out the windows and seeing them everywhere. All of them
will come up to be petted. I'm going to research this problem to see how common it is. Thanks for listening. Janice Murphy
awh I don't know about this one because I'm really not a chicken expert I just know the general things and not much about diseases and things that's why I signed up to this website so I could get help with that so I don't know much about that but you might end up having to get the toes cut off if it doesn't heal properly but hopefully he will still be able to walk. But he will learn to walk if he gets the toes cut off. I hope he will be okay best wishes to you and your beloved rooster.
awh I don't know about this one because I'm really not a chicken expert I just know the general things and not much about diseases and things that's why I signed up to this website so I could get help with that so I don't know much about that but you might end up having to get the toes cut off if it doesn't heal properly but hopefully he will still be able to walk. But he will learn to walk if he gets the toes cut off. I hope he will be okay best wishes to you and your beloved rooster.
Original post is 6 years old but I am curious what happened to the poor guy.
I'm going through the same thing. Red had a toe that started turning black about three years ago. My bird vet thought it had come from some injury;
she amputated half of the affected toe and he did well. Then the rest of the toe started turning black and she amputated the rest of it. Since that time
his other toes turned black and he now has only one toe on his left foot and two on the right. He is obviously in a lot of pain and the other rooster(his son)
beat him up and took his hens. It's so pitiful and my heart breaks for him. He limps badly and is obviously in pain but I don't know what to give him. Today
I brought him in the sun room and put him in a large dog crate with a thick soft bed of straw. He looked so relieved he laid down and took a nap. I went
to Tractor Supply and bought him some mealy worms. Right now he seems to be relieved that he's getting one-on-one care and lots of petting. I noticed
that now there's a dime-size black spot on his upper right leg. I know that he's going to have to be put down but I am going to make his last days as
comfortable as possible. He has been a wonderful boy and has given us many beautiful chicks. He was always sweet to the hens and babies. My husband
thinks I'm silly because I've been crying all day. Our chickens are free range and I love looking out the windows and seeing them everywhere. All of them
will come up to be petted. I'm going to research this problem to see how common it is. Thanks for listening. Janice Murphy

Awh that's such a sad story! I know how you feel. When my hen died I cried because I am really close to my chickens but my parents and brother say I'm being stupid and that it's just a chicken but they don't get it so I'm glad I can share my stories with people who do understand. Thankyou :)

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