HELP, HELP I SCREWED UP.. he's still alive

well at least there is some funny parts to this story ! I have to tell you I cracked up when you had the pipping vs. peeping conversation and you said I just thought you spelled it differently .. I roared .. my Grand daughter came to see why I was laughing so hard !!
HA HA HA That's too funny, your making fun of me being such an idiot. As if I didn't know that already with the dumb things I have done so far.... LOL.... And my hair isn't even blonde.. LOL.. BUt I guess I will color it now. LOL..
AND I GOT 10 MORE OTHERS TO GO, THIS IS GOING TO BE A VERY LONG THREAD.. HA HAHAHA.... I wonder how long I should wait before coming to the conclusion, he's not going to make it? I'm more worried now because the one I opened, was sooo sticky...What if he's having the same problem of being sticky?? OH MAN, not sure how much I can take before they'll have to rush me to the hospital.. My chin is bruised from staring, I have it resting on the top of the incubator.. My eyes think they are seeing things but when I take another look it's not what I thought I saw. Come on KIDS....

First time for call ducks and this has to take sooooo long.. Come on little guy, get the heck out of there so I can start breathing again. Hope he comes out today because tomorrow I will not be able to stare at him. LOL, I have to go to work. Probably for the best to preoccupied my mind and keep me from staring..

The rule of thumb for chickens is 5 days after the due date, does that same rule apply for ducks? I wish I could at least hear him make a noise, THAT would be sooo cool.

Will keep all of you's updated as soon as there is an update.. LOL..

There seem to be several of us holding our breath with you!

I just switched my wigglers to their brand new hatching chamber, and I'm MUCH more anxious than I expected! (lol) Cross your fingers for me!! I'm SICK with excitement!!!!!!!!

.....((runs back to stare at them))
HE'S OUT, HE'S FINALLY OUT, OMG, IT'S ABOUT TIME. Looks like a bibbed, he's black with white chest and tips of his wings are white, his tail is so long.... He has some shell stuck to his back, BUT HE'S FINALLY OUT. WOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOO.. OMG, that's worst then having a baby..

Now for the other 10, TWO OF THEM ARE EXTERNALLY PIPPING. OMG, HERE WE GO AGAIN..... One of them is wiggling LIKE CRAZY..... OMG. He looks like he's in an earthquake the way he's wiggling that egg. He's gonna hit the other eggs... HA HA HA WOOOOOO WHOOOOOO, one is out and his name is HULK. Hope it's not a girl. LOL...

Thank you everyone for your participation, just as soon as the other's get out, HOPEFULLY, I will send pictures but at this rate, looks like won't be until next week. 24 hours to break out of a shell and 10 more to go, that's 10 more days, one per day.. I will have to wait..LOL....

He's talking, I can hear him talking. HA HA HA HA such a low tone tooo.. HA HAHA HA I'M SOOOOOO GLAD.. No hospital for me.....
OH MAN WE GOT ANOTHER PROBLEM, My husband just told me while I was gone, because I took off to the store earlier today, he OPENED the incubator. DID NOT SHUT THE FAN Off....I'M 110% sure that humidty dropped down to practically nothing.. OMG.. and there's two that have cracks. They are probably shrink wrapped. He opened it to check out the new duck. OH MAN, NOW WHAT DO I DO. These poor little things, they definitely deserve a better place.. OMG.. I can't believe he just now told me, probably because he knew I would have a b++++ fit. This has to be the WORST hatching ever. Not only for me but for these Helpless little guys... OMG. first we have to worry about the stickiness and now shrink wrap. Exactlly how much more can these poor ducks take....

They should run or fly away while they have the chance. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOLLY CRAP, I just noticed I have TWO more that are Cracking. THAT makes 4 Total, that is if they aren't shrink wrapped. OH MAN, what strong hardy little guys....

Back to staring at the bator.. HA HA HA...

It's really to bad that we couldn't get paid to stare at the bator, I could make a lot of money... LOL..
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Sounds like you need to put a sticky note on the bator saying "DO NOT TOUCH!!!"

On a more serious note, I really hope more hatch for you. I've never hatched ducklings before but I hope somehow they will recover from the bator being opened.
HE'S OUT, HE'S FINALLY OUT, OMG, IT'S ABOUT TIME. Looks like a bibbed, he's black with white chest and tips of his wings are white, his tail is so long.... He has some shell stuck to his back, BUT HE'S FINALLY OUT. WOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOO.. OMG, that's worst then having a baby..

Now for the other 10, TWO OF THEM ARE EXTERNALLY PIPPING. OMG, HERE WE GO AGAIN..... One of them is wiggling LIKE CRAZY..... OMG. He looks like he's in an earthquake the way he's wiggling that egg. He's gonna hit the other eggs... HA HA HA WOOOOOO WHOOOOOO, one is out and his name is HULK. Hope it's not a girl. LOL...

Thank you everyone for your participation, just as soon as the other's get out, HOPEFULLY, I will send pictures but at this rate, looks like won't be until next week. 24 hours to break out of a shell and 10 more to go, that's 10 more days, one per day.. I will have to wait..LOL....

He's talking, I can hear him talking. HA HA HA HA such a low tone tooo.. HA HAHA HA I'M SOOOOOO GLAD.. No hospital for me.....
OH MAN WE GOT ANOTHER PROBLEM, My husband just told me while I was gone, because I took off to the store earlier today, he OPENED the incubator. DID NOT SHUT THE FAN Off....I'M 110% sure that humidty dropped down to practically nothing.. OMG.. and there's two that have cracks. They are probably shrink wrapped. He opened it to check out the new duck. OH MAN, NOW WHAT DO I DO. These poor little things, they definitely deserve a better place.. OMG.. I can't believe he just now told me, probably because he knew I would have a b++++ fit. This has to be the WORST hatching ever. Not only for me but for these Helpless little guys... OMG. first we have to worry about the stickiness and now shrink wrap. Exactlly how much more can these poor ducks take....

They should run or fly away while they have the chance. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are probably fine, lol. Just keep an eye on them and report back if they haven't made any progress at all tomorrow.

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