HELP! Hen making a gurgling sound!

I listened to that video. Is that the hen of which you speak? If so, she's likely got a crop disorder causing fluids to spill over into her trachea, causing liquid gurgles. She may need to be treated for sour crop or she may need a crop bra to help her empty her crop. Here is my aricle on identifying crop issues and treating them.
I listened to that video. Is that the hen of which you speak? If so, she's likely got a crop disorder causing fluids to spill over into her trachea, causing liquid gurgles. She may need to be treated for sour crop or she may need a crop bra to help her empty her crop. Here is my aricle on identifying crop issues and treating them.
The OP said the hen wasn't theirs, but the sound was the same.

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