Help I think my silkie chicken is very sick!


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2019
I need urgent help and advice! I opened the cage and my 16 week old silkie chicken wasn't sitting on the perch she was wedged between the perches in a unnatural position. I touched her and she cried out. I picked her up and her neck is floppy and when I place her down she flops to the ground straight away. I don't think she's going to make it and I think she was sick when I got her two weeks ago! If theres ANYTHING anyone knows that can perhaps help her PLEASE contact me straight away.
We really need to see a video. I know how stressful it is to discover your sweet little chicken is sick with very alarming symptoms, but there could be an easy treatment or it could be too serious to treat. Words have limits while seeing the symptoms for ourselves will tell us so much more.
Could we get a picture of the perch area she was wedged? How far apart are they?
She was wedged, what & how? Was her neck caught? Her body (top, mid, lower)?

From what I can figure, she may have been wanting down, slipped or miscalculated, fell between the perches & got stuck ... Sounds like her neck? Put her in a box/crate lined with bedding, in a quiet room for now.

The "Calvary" will respond .... azygous already has :bow Yes, video (download to You Tube then upload here) or even pictures, Please
I'm going to ask a bunch of questions that can also give us some clues.

1-Where did you get this chicken?
2-What were the living conditions like?
3-If you suspect she was sick when you got her, what were her symptoms?
4-Have you seen any blood in her poop? If yes, when did you notice it for the first time?
5-Do you have other chickens? If so, are any of them beginning to act sick?
6-Has this chicken been outside on the ground? If so, is it damp and warm where you are? (Please give your location in your profile. It can save asking a lot of questions and tell us so much.)
Periwinkle silkie chicken.png
Periwinkle silkie chicken.png

We called the Vet and they said to give her honey and water which we have been doing, I think she's been very cold and is now in a heated room. I think she's doing ok because when I held her head she pulled back with effort that makes me think she still has strength. What else should I do to help her?
Is she awake or alert, or lethargic? I would give her water often by holding a spoon up to her beak on the side, and let her take a drop or two at a time. Mix a small amount of chick feed with a lot of water to make a runny paste. Add a little cooked scrambled egg bits, and offer it up to her beak on a lid or small dish. I use plastic cereal bowls. If she will eat the egg, I drip more water on it. Get some Poultry NutriDrench at your feed store when you are able and give her a couple of drops. Those have electrolytes and vitamins.

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