Help identifying breed

Thank you all. I'm not sure where these guys came from lol but I still took these three. I'm hoping they all turn out to be ladies. The orange/beige one is questionable.




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so come to find out they all came from tractor supply as mixed coworker obviously didnt communicate with her mom on these
So im thinking:
black australope or minorca
leghorn or white Plymouth rock
and buff orpington for the beige/orange one.
Just noticed the blue earlobes and did a little googling; found this informative thread on here which is about black chicks with blue earlobes. I still don't think it's an australorp just because of the size and carriage in comparison to the others. Regardless, they all look lovely and healthy, whatever they are.
The feed store where I got her from said they had a batch of Aracauna and New Hampshire she an Aracauna cuz she sure as heck ain't a red!

The only time I have seen dirty  white chickens is when their yard is flooded and muddy.  Even then, when they dry off, most of the mess will fall off, and chicken preening removes the rest.

Of course if chickens live in dirty coops, are severely overcrowded I imagine they could look and smell pretty bad.

If you have white hens, a muddy run, and roosters, that isn't always a pretty combination. This happens during the spring and fall for us when it's wet.
This chicken was brought to me yesterday after being left in a parking lot. Lots of market meets in the area. Yellow goldish feathers on neck , bigger comb than my red production and golden comet and hangs to one side though she's slightly smaller. Or is it just a cross of sorts.

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