Help identifying Health problem for HEN


Aug 26, 2016
Hello all and hope you are well. About a month ago I introduced 2 1yr old organic laying hens to my 3 hens. Its taking a while to integrate into the group and laying has becoming sporadic and has now diminished to 1 egg per day. On of the new hens is really showing signs of isolating herself, she sleeps in the laying box, and often in the day she is on her own resting. I have just noticed that she was picking at her "bum" that looks irritated and feathers all clumped together with what looks like a beige/yellow residue. Sorry, I can seem to get closer to her but will post a pic ! I've already lost a whole flock after introducing hens that were ill, so am panicking as what to do !! Any ideas !!! She doesn't seem to be eating as much and her crest is a bit floppy .
Is the red area a wound or like a red goo? if its a residue then you should catch her and rinse off the area with a spray bottle and take a closer look. Is there a wound there? Or is it some thing else. Clean her up and take more pictures under the feathers. I hope she is okay, Avery
THANK you ! I'm waiting for a second pair of hands to come home to help catch and take pics... Will be back
Closer look and not red at all (I think the first pic you actually where looking at her crest as she was picking at herself). But feathers all crusty so there must be some discharge or irritation? I fed her with one of the others and she ate a bit but is definatly slow and floppy !
Its almost night here in France, thinking I should put her to bed elsewhere for the night ? !
When the poop makes the feathers stick together like that, it is called vent gleet. A lot of times vent gleet is caused by a worm infestation. I would separate her and treat the whole flock for worms... also check for mites or lice on her bum.
I was thinking of worms !! Thank you, will head to the vet to get some worm treatment for the girls. Will keep you posted !

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