Help injured hen

I have a badly injured hen. The raccoons that live under my house drug her onto the porch and left her there. She isn't mine and I have no idea where she came from. She can't stand and flips backwards a lot. She took some water offered to her after I cleaned her up.
I'm sorry about the hen. Give her vitamins with electrolytes (SaveAChick,) Pedialyte, or even Gatorade can help. Dip her beak if she won't drink. Offer her some chopped egg, tuna, moistened chicken feed (or until you can get some feed) give some oats, cornmeal, or bird seed. She may be in shock, so keep her warm at 80 degrees F. Clean any wounds with disinfectant and apply some antibiotic ointment of Vetericyn spray. She may have some neurological problems, but I would watch her and help her to eat.
She was on her way out when I left for work this morning. Thankfully she isn't mine or I would be way more freaked out. I have a strong coop. So the raccoons that live with us never get our chickens. My neighbors all have chickens and they hate the raccoons. They will blame me for this because I let them live in my yard. I also feed them cat food and marshmallows. I've told my neighbors a hundred time to build a sturdy coop that the best defense is a good offense. They just want to kill anything that incoveniences them instead of be responsible to appropriately protect thier pets. The family of raccoons live under my house and my coop/run . In the 5yr they have lived there, I haven't lost one chicken to a coon or any other predator. My neighbors who like to shoot the raccoons have lost tons of hens and this was yet another victim of thier responsible behavior.
How big of a hole can a coopers hawk fit through? Going to patch holes in the new run with wiring today while my daughter is at school and 10 month old naps
Sorry my key board is a little wonky. No sure why there is extra words on the that reply.

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