Help! Injured sick chick need help!!!


Mar 1, 2015
Colorado Springs, CO
I found one of my babies this morning out of the coop and almost dead. We're warming it up and giving it warm sugar water, and it's peeped, but keeps pulling it's head back. There's a damaged foot, but I don't think that's the issue. Any ideas?
How old is your baby?
Do you know how it got out - possibly a predator?
Can you post a photo of the chick and the damaged foot?

Pulling the head back sounds like she may have a head/neck injury. Giving the sugar water is a good idea.

You can give her some poultry vitamins (like Poultry Nutri-Drench) and wet chick starter as well, but fluids is the most important.

Try to keep her as comfortable as you can. Without seeing the foot, it's hard to know what's going on there. For any broken skin/wounds gently flush with saline or warm soapy water. Apply Vetericyn or triple antibiotic ointment.

Keep us posted.
She's a bantam about a week old. She's perked up, and is peeping a lot now. Her foot looks like she's damaged a toe and its going to come off. But her feet are feathered and so tiny, it's hard to do anything. For now I just wrapped it to keep it dry and stop the bleeding. Once I'm sure she's doing well enough, I'll take off the bandage and see what can be done.
I'm glad to hear she is perking up:)

Poor little thing. Sometimes an injured toe will fall off on it's own, just keep watch for signs of infection - thick pus and odors if the skin was broken.

Tiny chicks and feather feet can be hard to treat, so it sounds like you are doing well.

Thanks for the update.

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