HELP inside runner duck


Oct 19, 2016
So my duck has free range inside my house, even if I run out for a minute or so. While she was laying in bed with me she started to settle down and then laid down. Well about a minute after that she started like shaking really bad and shaking her head. I picked her up to bring her to the water bowl and she threw up a bit then stopped. I'm not sure what she could have gotten into it what could have caused this. We are currently changing out some windows on our house but I am cleaning before I let them into that area. I'm watching her sleep now and it looks like she's having a tough time breathing, like she has to pick herself up to get a good breath... any help or suggestions or ideas is greatly appreciated. I'm just a worried moose mother
I don't know anything off of my head that would cause this. Could it be laying-related?
Has she stabilized now? Could she have eaten something/choked on something?
My advice to you is to make sure she's comfortable. I have no diagnosis, and therefore can't help much. Try to make sure she has access to food and water (Both) all the time, and that she's in a warm environment. Wish I could be of more help
It could be egg related, she's laying about one a day.. and I'm not sure this is the first and only duck I have. I put her in her nester for the night since that seems to be where she gets her best sleep and if it is egg related she can lay her egg where she does every night.
She seems to be doing better. She does but not all the time, I'm wondering if I should start buying organic soil or something just to mix with her food... any thoughts?
awww that would be so worrrying, hope she's better?
sad.png noted by a vet that it could be a botulism poisoning?

According to that site the vet said that symptoms of Profound weakness especially of the neck and other major muscled of the body. Which may cause the shaking. No cure however,
– just ensure water changed daily (Imperative) keep her drinking and eating +-7 -10 days they should be fine he said. (Could get it from old moist leaves, stagnant water or such like that) even just a small amount.

Hope this helps
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