HELP inside runner duck

She seems to be doing better. She does but not all the time, I'm wondering if I should start buying organic soil or something just to mix with her food... any thoughts?

Yes you could give her dirt from outside. Or buy grit and leave her a small bowl of it to eat if she needs it.
Is she full time indoors?
I would not mix anything with her food, just sit a little container with some grit (you can buy grit, some use clean sand, Miss Lydia used a clump of grass with dirt still attached to the roots). If you use outdoor stuff, be absolutely sure no pesticides or fertilizers or that kind of thing has been used in the area.

They can get viruses, get fungal infections, or bacterial infections just like we do. And they will eat stuff that's not good for them, including bits of metal and dead things. There is a list of flushes in the Stickies section (link in blue letters at the top of the Duck Forum index).

You might consider getting a vet to look at her. At least give her some vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics once a week. But if she's not all better tomorrow, please see if a vet is possible. Ducks can hide illness till it is very nearly too late. It might be something she can shake off. We can't know for sure right now.

I don't think it's the botulism poisoning she never showed signs of being weak or anything like that. I'm going on day 2 since then and she seems to be much better. I've read somewhere else that is there food doesn't go down comfortably for them they will just force it back up (not sure if true). I probably will go buy grit to keep near her food and maybe see if they sell vitamins for ducks. She's 100% inside and goes outside probably like 4-6 times a day.

Which one do you think? Shes about 7 months so obviously not a chick anymore but I don't know if the adult one will be to big or chicken medicated lol sorry I'm new to this
Just realized you never said what she is currently eating.
At 7 months old she needs adult layer feed. Or an all flock feed. And oyster shell on the side to eat as she pleases.
This is necessary once egg laying begins.
They use up so much calcium producing eggs.
And i have read about ducks legs shaking from not enough calcium even as adults.
I would not buy either of those chicken feeds.
I would feed an all flock feed if it was me personally. And i keep xtra oyster shell available.
Some just feed layer feed, and make sure they get high protein snacks along with it since its lower in protein than all flock feed.
Oh and no it wont be too big:) they can easily eat pellets by a few weeks old. And eat giant earthworms as well. Ducks can swallow pretty big things :)
So what brand of feed do you suggest then? I have a local tractor supple or a rural king (a bit further but doable). Also where do I get oyster shells at? lol
So what brand of feed do you suggest then? I have a local tractor supple or a rural king (a bit further but doable). Also where do I get oyster shells at? lol

Our tractor supply doesnt sell the flock raiser. Not sure if yours does. We don't have a rural king but i just googled it and they do sell- nutrena flock raiser pellets-
Thats the brand i feed . But i have also used purina brand flock raiser. Both are good. And have higher amounts of protein than layer feed. And either store sells oyster shells for ducks and chickens.
If i was you i would buy that as soon as possible. Since you said she lays an egg a day, she definatly needs the calcium.
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I got the oyster shell grit and a 40lbs bag of all flock feed! She honestly seems to really like the oyster shells so I think that just may have been the issue. Thank you so much to everyone for all the help!!

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