HELP. just caught weasel with hen in its mouth!

When I give amoxicillin, I scramble an egg and then open a capsule and sprinkle it on the egg. I do this once a day and have had good luck with it.
she is doing great! eating and drinking. she is walking with a limp but that is normal. the tear on her thigh seems to be closing up nicely. I am keeping her inside for a few days though. Want to keep an eye on her.
I'll be praying for her.
Thank you! I really love her. She is so calm and so friendly and tame. Always sits on my lap when I go to the barn. She is an awesome little thing.
I finally put the anti-biotics in her water. She is drinking the water. I even tasted it to make sure it was not bitter and it is kind of sweet. So I am very hopeful.

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