Help-Just rescued female mallard duck on road


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 18, 2009
Now what do I do? She has some blood on the side of her head and I plan to clean her up and go from there. I have no idea what to feed a wild duck or any duck for that matter. I only have experience with my chickens. I have a call in to my vet friend but have not heard back from her yet. I don't think she is injured enough to bring to an avian center nearby. I think I can nurse her back to health on my own. At least at this point that is how I feel. Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.
Clean, dry pet crate, in a quiet, darkened room. Leave her overnight then offer water and layer food in the morning. She hopefully will stabilize from the head injury overnight.
Good luck. I think there's lots of research on duck food available on the 'net. For an emergency, you can feed her chopped greens (like lettuce), plain cherios, frozen peas, some scrambled egg, or some of your chicken feed. For long term I'm sure you'll want to get her onto some duck food. Be sure she gets some exposure to a water source at least once a day, deep enough for her to stick her head all the way under. As an emergency you can fill up your bathtub with water and let her swim around in there if you don't have a small pond or kiddie pool available. Long term, you might be able to find a flock around locally that you can release her back to, or a friend that has a pond. I would try to determine if she has any diseases first though.

ETA.....hmmm, I think the poster above me has a better suggestion for the first day..... I didn't think about the trauma of the head injury....
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Your chicken feed is ok to give her. She may be more accepting of greens/fruits/veggies/bugs since she is wild. Water deep enough for her to dunk her head so she can clean her eyes and nostrils is necessary. Purina makes a great food for ducks if you can locate some, it's called Mazuri waterfowl floating pellets. You just throw it in their water and they love it.
Keep the wound clean and keep an eye on her closely, if a cat got her a bite or scratch can cause a bacterial infection that can kill her. If she starts to get weak I would give some vitamins and antibiotic.
should have read first reply before going out to offer water, she escaped!!!
She is back in the crate sitting in the water dish I just put in. I have to go out again for about 45 minutes and then will hopefully have time to get her cleaned up and really see what kind of injury I am looking at. She can fly but not too high or far. I have some cracked corn and BOSS mixed together that I will offer her with some scrambled egg. What about Gatorade or some sort of vitamin and electrolyte type supplement?
Since she is a wild duck, legally she should go to a wildlife rehab center. You can get in trouble for keeping her even though you are just trying to help. I am the voice of experience-long story.
Going to try to get Ducky to rescue or let her go today. The wound is not bad but she is missing flight feathers. According to game warden that is normal for this time of year. They are losing plummage as normal for this time of year. l put her in the tub yesterday afternoon for a while and left the room, she swam around and drank and had a good time. If the rescue won't take her I will release her in a pond near where I found her and hope for the best. I am told by the vet they are very hardy animals. I took pictures of her in the tub and will try to figure out how to post them later. Thanks to all that gave advice.
Duck is at wildlife rehab. DS and I got to watch them examine her. The blood was from her ear, some sort of head trauma. Probably got hit by a car. She is very underweight, but the prognosis is good. The woman told me that she likely would not make it if I had followed the game wardens advice on setting her free. The best news was that there are no fractures. So glad I took her. They gave me a case number so I could call and check on her progress. They plan to get her on a liquid diet to get her some nutrients and get some weight on and also give some anti-inflammitories in case there is still any swelling in the head. Then she will be released.

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